39 - Spectacular Springs

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Emerson's POV

"We are going to be late, I can feel it" Abigail is pacing the room frantically checking bags and drawers.  Nothing is lost, she just really feels like we might forget something.  Anyone would think it was her wedding day, not mine.

"Sam, babe.  Do me a favor and calm my maid of honor down, if she keeps this up, I'll start freaking out," I request calmly.  I had expected to be more anxious than I am, but then Arden has always had a calming influence on me.  I'm just eager for the cars to arrive, so I can get to the venue.  The bridal party has keep us apart for 48 hours and it's killing me, I can only imagine what it's doing to Arden.

"Sure baby girl, here take this Mimosa, I'll go deal to Bridesmaidzilla over there."

"I heard that," Abi called out, but smiled.

"Actually Sam, can you please clear the room, I'd really love a moment alone with Siobhan if that's okay." I call out as he heads through to one of the adjoining rooms in search of Abigail.

"Consider it done, baby girl," he sung out.  Only moments later, he had everyone lining up to head out the doorway, leaving me smiling at his crazy stupid grin.  God I love that man, it's been so good having him near again.

"Is everything okay, lass?" Siobhan asked, taking a seat on the bench ottoman next to me.  

We were all but ready to leave, I simply needed to slip off my silk robe and get into my dress.  Opting for a simple look, my hair is pulled back and fastened low.  I've kept it straight today with the only wow factor being the hair piece on the right on my head, a piece that belonged to my mother.  We've stuck to subtle natural tones for my makeup as well, a theme I carried out throughout the entire wedding.

"Yes, Siobhan, thank you.  Everything is wonderful.  I had something I wanted to discuss with you and felt it was would be nicer if we did so alone." I responded, reaching out and taking one of her hands. "Siobhan, you've been such a positive influence on me in such a short period of time.  You and Conor, god rest his beautiful soul, accepted me into your family with welcoming, open arms and I could not have been more grateful to have met you."

I took a moment to breath, conscious of the fact I did not want to damage my makeup by crying this early in the day!  I give Siobhan's hand a gentle squeeze and continue.

"As you know, I don't have a lot of people in my life I can truly rely on, to call family.  You, Siobhan, have given me a parental figure that I very much desired and honestly needed.  Now I know this isn't traditional and perhaps I should have asked sooner but there you have it, the truth is, you would do me the greatest honor if you would accompany me down the aisle today, give me to your son.  Would you do that for me?"

"Emerson, lass, are you kidding love.  It would give be the greatest pleasure, oh my gosh look at me, now I'm crying.  Oh dear, I had promised myself I wouldn't cry." She sniffled, pulling out a tissue to dry her eyes.  I leaned over to hug her, every word I said was true.  With my father out of the picture and my mother sidelined in heaven along with Conor, she had become the parent to us all.  Even now, with Arden and I safely in our new home together, she was housing Sam for us who had made an impromptu decision to move here after his rough split from Jeremy.

"Thank you Siobhan, for everything.." my voice cracking as I hold back my emotions.

"Okay Em's, you've had your moment, now we really need to get you in your dress." Sam called out as he bowled back through the door with his entourage of beautiful bridesmaids.  I have to say, they looked fabulous.  We'd selected a deep turquoise a-line gown for the ladies, Sam opting for matching pants and a white shirt.

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