11 - Impassioned Voyage

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Authors Note : Yup - Sexual Content again!! If this bothers you then you're probably reading the wrong story!  There'll be mention of some ballet positions in this chapter, I suggest googling them to give yourself a better picture, or easier still, just make up your ideas - imagine lots of turns, leg lifts and extension of the body, you'll get the picture!! Enjoy!!

Having Ashling here has been incredible. She was right when she'd said we would be besties, we really have become fast friends, spending tons of time together since Arden had been so busy with business lately. She had an absolute blast at the girl's night, and had even found herself a wee playmate for while she's staying in Canada, both apparently happy with a no strings attached arrangement. You could tell she was enjoying Toronto, and I wondered if she was considering relocating here permanently, what with all the questions she had regarding apartments and work options. I won't lie, having someone else to call family would be pretty awesome.

The downside to having Ash around, and my blossoming new relationship with Arden too, was I was slacking in my training, both at the gym and in the studio. Sadly, it hadn't gone unnoticed, and Madam Sophie had really been on my ass about it! I'd promised her I would step it up, and have even gone to the extent of booking the studio out for private use all week, later in the evenings. I prefer working on my dance alone anyway, so there'll be no distractions. The room I normally book is a smaller studio than we normally use, but its wall to ceiling mirrors on three walls, giving us better opportunity to analyse our own movements. I'd had Sam come with me the first couple of nights to help me with a few ideas around changing up my choreography, and also to work on our duo number, but for the past four nights it's been just me, the music and the dance floor.

I've been here for a few hours already tonight, my muscles are aching with how much I've pushed them this week, but I know I won't achieve my ultimate goal if I don't work through the pain. This is worth it; years and years of dedication has led to this year opportunities. I wander out of the wee studio and into the main larger studio room, deciding a break and a stretch out in order. I haven't seen Arden in days, with me in studio and him working like crazy. We've been texting and calling before we sleep, and throughout the days, but I miss him so much. I hadn't realized just how much I'd allowed him to become a vital part of my days, and now he wasn't here holding my hand or cuddling me to sleep, I felt like I was missing something, a part of myself.

I'd thrown on the stereo, and decide have a quick run through one of my old contemporary routines, making use of the larger empty studio. I leave the lights on low; it helps create more mood atmosphere, getting me in a zone. Shaking my arms and legs, limbering up I wait for my cue in the music, then immerse myself in my routine, leaping and flipping across the floor, twirling and twisting to the beat, my body dancing from memory as I let the music carry me to another world.

I'm more than halfway through my routine when I spotted the dark figure standing at one of the tall windows, a sly grin on his face as he watches me dancing. My heart skips a beat, reminding me how much I've already fallen for him in such a fast period of time, and I'm overjoyed to see him here now, even though he's my number one distraction. I pause to walk over and let him in, but he signals for me to continue - and I do as he wishes, happy to showcase my skills for him.

Finishing up the routine, I can't run to the door fast enough, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs tightly around his waist the moment he steps through, his hands grasping my hips to steady me.

"Whoa, hello love, did you miss me?" he laughs, as I start scattering kisses all over his face, my hands pulling at the back of his hair to bring his face up for better access.

"You bet I did baby, I missed you so much" I breathe out, not wanting to lift my lips from his cool skin. I loosen my legs, allowing him to lower me to the floor. Taking hold of my face in both hands, he plants a soft lingering kiss on my lips before speaking again.

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