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1 year later

Emerson's POV

"That's fantastic Lexi, you're making fantastic progress." I praise, genuinely impressed with the technique and skills Alexis has to offer.

"Thanks Em, those one on one's with Sam have really helped, thank you so much for suggesting it."

"You're welcome, Lexi.  You know you're like family now."

I meant it too, it may have taken some time but her walls are starting to come down and I feel like she's making progress in herself, not just with dance but also whatever demons she's facing too.  I can tell there's more to her than what she lets on, but until she's ready to open up, Arden and I will continue to support her in any way we can.

It took a great deal of time and effort to find her again.  I can't say how many times I frequented the same park, hoping to see her dancing for change.  I asked around for other popular areas around Dublin for busking but kept coming up short.  But, one fateful winters night, she called me.  It seems she had kept my card and once finding herself evicted from yet another shelter, she quite literally had no one else.

Arden and I purchased a small apartment, allowing Lexi to live there rent free on the proviso that she'd dance for my studio, run some Junior classes through the week and we give her a few shifts in the club so she can earn money for food and clothes.  Too much, you might think, but we see it as a sound investment.  We're just waiting to see just how far the rewards will reach.

The rest, I guess, is her story to tell.

Lexi's POV

I throw what's left of my gear in my bag, getting ready to head home.  I have a shift at the club later, so I want to grab a rest while I can. 

"Enjoy date night Em, might see you later on if you pop in?" I call out, heading outside.  Emerson really isn't much older than me, but she is wise beyond her years.  Sam has this theory, something about Arden's father dying, he thinks Emerson now carry's his wisdom.  I don't know, Sam has a lot of interesting theories, I often tune him out.

Stepping out into the chill afternoon air, I curse myself for choosing not to ride my bike tonight.  I only live five blocks over, but it's cold and bleak today and my couch is calling me.  Netflix and popcorn before a long hot shower and the evening/night shift.  Oh, well, best  walk fast if I still want to fit an entire movie in.

I find myself checking over my shoulder every two or three steps.  No, I am not being paranoid, just cautious.  Besides, I have a valid reason to think I'm being followed.  Sadly, I'm constantly trying to hide from the reality that is my former life.  I'm not stupid, it's only a matter of time.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I panic and quicken my own pace, too scared to actually look back and  see who might be back there.  If they find me now, everything will be ruined.  I have too much at stake.  They can never know the truth, the outcome of that shit storm will be more than I can take. 

Close to breaking into a jog, i finally glance back, almost getting knocked over in the process by the power walker passing by.  It's okay Lex, maybe you are just paranoid, I tell myself, but continue my hurried pace.  Turning the corner to enter the foyer of the apartment, I'm too busy looking behind me to see where I'm walking.

"Watch it" a loud, urgent cry hits my ears with the most delicious deep gravelly voice.  To his disappointment and my own, I was too far gone to "watch it", ultimately bowling him over.

"Shit, I'm so sor...." my words disappear as I find myself lost in the most alluring eyes I have ever scene.

"You're sor?" he chuckled, a musical rumble of classical notes rolls deep from within him, I can;t help but notice the effect it has directly in my core.

"Oh, ah, I, er." I begin to helplessly stutter, inwardly cursing my inability to string a sentence together, as he erupts into more delicious laughter.  Oh dear lord, give me a hand with this one please?!  Or perhaps a corner I can crawl up in to die of embarrassment, seriously either is fine at this point buddy.

"How about we slide you off me, then I can help you get up?" he suggests, as I stare back at him quizzically.

Looking down I notice this beautiful creature had broken my fall, me landing on him.  Instinctively, I flex my fingers, feeling his taught, muscular frame beneath me, before registering that he had suggested I move off of him.

I shuffle across, reluctantly removing my hand from his chest as well.

Standing up, he reaches down offering his hand to assist me up.

"Hey, my name is Zac, you are?" he held out a hand for me to shake.  I take his hand and the instant we touch, it was like fireworks were lighting up on the fourth of July, the skin on skin connection feeling absolutely incredible.

"Hi, I'm Lexi."

"Do you live here?" he asked, looking me up and down, slowly, his eyes drinking me in.

"Yes." Hmmm, perhaps I will work my way up to sentences with more than one syllable.

"Well, Lexi.  Looks like we'll be neighbours, I've just moved in.  I have gotta go unload more boxes, but maybe I will see you around?"

"Sure" Okay, looks like I'm sticking with one syllable replies after all, "Bye."

Awkwardly taking out my keys, I hurry to the elevator to go upstairs, I need to hide from my own embarrassment until it's time for work.

Awkwardly taking out my keys, I hurry to the elevator to go upstairs, I need to hide from my own embarrassment until it's time for work

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