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It wasn't a wild rave party nor was it a demure tea party. It's just a regular thing where girls just wanna have fun celebrating a new beginning in a woman's life.

Lauren is about to take that next step with her girlfriend of five years and she is at the happiest time of her life.

She is getting married to an amazing, talented woman who never failed to capture her heart. Ashley, her fiancé, is one of the best things that's ever happened to her and she's excited to spend the rest of her life with her.

Lauren and Ashley met the summer before the official classes for college started. Lauren, being the young independent woman that she is, insisted on leaving Miami soon after high school graduation to start her own life in the west coast.

She got a job days after settling down working behind the counter in a souvenir and surfing gear shop near Malibu beach. And Ashley was a regular surfer who frequently passes by the shop.

It was like one of those cliché chick flicks where one trips and the other catches the one who's tripping. Lauren has like the most delicate limbs in the world, who's very much capable of tripping on nothing but air, and on that fateful day, she just tripped over something. And Ashley, being the athletic one, who incidentally was passing by at the time, caught Lauren by instinct before the sand smooched her pale face.

And it was the beginning of their story.

Months later, they became close friends, then eventually, they became lovers. Four years later, Ashley proposed on the same spot where they met years ago as the sun sets for another dawn, and Lauren, ecstatic beyond her wits, just said yes right away.

One year after the proposal, they are now ready to seal their love officially. They have set the date, the time, the honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro. They have set an exclusive guestlist, inviting only family and close friends.

And they have set their own separate bachelorette party, because they believed that it is a right of passage they both deserve to have individually.

Now, Lauren is sitting at a secluded booth at a bar in downtown Los Angeles, at her own bachelorette party thrown by her adoptive sister Dinah, laughing her heart out with her little group of friends.

It's just a simple get together with reasonable amount of booze and even more reasonable amount of food, with a live performing band and a dj playing upbeat songs for them, and one hell of an enlightening conversation about sex, courtesy of Dinah.

Her sister isn't really fond of Ashley but for the sake of her happiness, Dinah learned to tolerate their relationship. Lauren is one of the three saving graces in her life and she won't get in the way of what makes her happy, even though she occasionally wants to punch Ashley in the nose and perpetually never trusted her.

So, despite her inner disapproval, she still supported Lauren and took her place as the planner of this simple party and the maid of honor.

"So! Ready for tomorrow, lil sis?" Dinah said before sipping her glass of cosmo.

Their little group of nicely dressed young ladies has veered into a less lewd and explicit topic that is sex, and now Dinah is asking a bit more important question.

"You're only five days older than me, DJ, stop calling me lil sis," Lauren stalled, smiling with bright blue green eyes.

"Yeah, but still older. Anyway, answer the question,"

"Of course I'm ready," Lauren replied finishing her mojito. "Ashley and I are already living in the same apartment for a year and have been acting like we're already married, so all this fuss is just formality,"

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