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"This is a fu---, fudging nightmare, Mani!!"

Camila shrieked over the phone that's trapped between her ear and shoulder. She's holding Ethan between her two hands, arms stretched to the fullest away from her body, her face cringing at the putrid stench coming from the boy's soggy looking diaper that has the color of mashed avocado.

And Ethan was just sucking his cute little thumb aggressively, hiccupping as he did so, tear stained blue gray eyes staring wide at a panicking Camila.

"Then give him to his mother," Normani said on the other line, calmly.

"His mother disappeared while I was in the shower! I barely rinsed myself off when Ethan started crying again and he wasn't stopping! I'm still wrapped in a towel when I picked him up from the couch! The freaking couch, Mani!! His mother left him on my freaking couch, smelling like shii---, shrimp! Rotten shrimp!! Oh god, this is revolting," she tried to hold down her rising bile, nostrils flaring, rolling her eyes miserably.

Camila heard her best friend chuckle on the other line, very amused as it seems, making her shriek again, "I just got out of the shower, Maniii!! This is an emergency!!!"

"Then you should've called 911, dumbass," Normani chuckled even louder.

Camila groaned, utterly distressed.

"Just go on and change his diaper if he smells that bad. Or might as well give him a bath,"

"You know how to do that?" Camila asked, hopeful for a positive response.

"Does it look like I know how to do that??" Normani retorted instead.


"I don't have all the answers to the world Cabello, I am not the Dalai Lama. Go ask Siri, maybe that voice thing knows how. Now, if you'll excuse me, my friend, I need to look my very best. I don't wanna look like a slob in front of Dinah later. See ya whenever! Oh, and good luck changing diapers!!"

And just like that, the line was cut and Camila was still in a state of panic.

She stared back at the baby who was still sucking his thumb vigorously. While she's still completely clueless of how to proceed cleaning up a baby with a stinky diaper. The smell was so bad Camila thought it might be toxic and would kill her in just a few more seconds.

Typical of a person panicking, she ran around mindlessly. With Ethan dangling in her hands staring at her with wide eyes, she first ran to the kitchen, but soon realized that its illogical to clean a stinky baby in the same place where you prepare your food. That's just very unsanitary. Then she ran back to her living room and soon realized she's back right where she started from.

She was about to run to her bedroom, when someone knocked on her door. She had half the brain to assess how ridiculous she looked wrapped only in a blue fluffy towel, her wet hair from the shower was sticking in her face and neck uncomfortably, still clutching Ethan at arms length like a ticking time bomb about to explode.

Camila froze and hesitated to go to answer her door.

The knock was gentle but it was insistent. She was a split second away from deciding to completely ignore it when she heard Lauren's beautiful raspy voice call out from the other side.

"Camz? Are you in there?"

It was soft and unsure but for Camila, it sounded a whole lot like a chorus of angels from up above singing her a hallelujah. She froze for a completely different reason this time.

But she decided right away to answer Lauren.

"It's unlocked! Come right in, Lo!!" She yelled and padded around the cluttered mess that is her apartment to meet Lauren who subsequently opened the door and took a little peek.

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