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"Let's play,"

Lauren groaned from her seat as she kept her hand steady against her sketchpad, holding a charcoal pencil, drawing a beagle and it's master run around trying to catch a frisbee across the park.

"Camila I'm busy,"

"I can tell. But I'm bored . . . So, let's play a game,"

"Nobody asked you to sit here and get yourself bored out of your mind,"

"But I saw you from across the street and you were like a magnet to my steel and I was like damn I wanna sit next to you," Camila retorted, that very annoying smirk plastered on her chiseled face.

Sometimes Lauren wonders what exactly is this girl have been inhaling because the things that she says are like the most cringey thing to say to anyone.

Even though she's cute. But really, she's annoying.

"Come on, Lo . . . We can play tag . . . Or charades . . . Oh! Oh! I know! Simon says! We can play Simon says,"

Lauren sighed, "What are you, seven?"

She stopped her drawing and snapped her sketchpad close. She turned in her seat on the bench and faced a grinning Camila, her eyes were shining as the sun rays reflected a mesmerizing russet color in her irises.

Whatever snarky thing Lauren was planning to say got stuck in her throat, her train of thoughts were derailed to nothingness. The sight of Camila's teasing smirk and bright eyes were enough to freeze whatever sassy thing she's about to say.

Instead, she found herself bewildered, almost enchanted. Those underrated pair of russet brown eyes just instantly made something flutter in her stomach. Heat gradually creeping its way in her cheeks as the fluttery feeling made her stomach feel something so incredibly indescribable.

It's just something about those bright eyes and that smirk that automatically stirs something in her. It's annoying, to be honest, but it's something that Lauren wouldn't mind exploring.

She suddenly feels the urge to open her sketchpad again just to immortalized that particular sight with her charcoal pencil.

But taking things into some kind of rational perspective, Lauren just doesn't really know what to make of it, this sudden things that Camila's making her feel.

And if she had an actual choice, she would rather not dwell on the thought of it all.

But since these indescribable feelings are now plaguing her, it's making her lose what little control she still has in her life. She can't seem to grasp her emotions, so much its as if she doesn't have much choice but to analyze what's going on with her.

But she is not gonna do that right here, right now, in the presence of the very person who's making her numb heart feel something. Maybe later when she's pulling and pushing her furnitures once again back in her apartment.

Right now, she'll just have to keep the proverbial cap to cover tightly the overflowing bottle of emotions and confusions she has in her heart, and bury that said bottle in the deep dark recesses of her mind.

Right now she needs that sassy remark to throw back at Camila's never ending bugging. But sometimes you just don't get what you need or what you want. You get what is given, whether you like or not, whether you asked for it or not.

Camila had once tried to take a peek at her drawing just awhile ago, but she angled it away from her so she wouldn't see. She's very sensitive when it comes to her artworks and she seldom lets anyone take a glance at it, unless it's her bosses. But even with them, she's still a little apprehensive. Ultimately worried of their criticism. The only person she ever allowed to look at her artworks freely was Ashley.

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