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It has been a week since Lisa showed up and disappeared all the same in a span of less than twelve hours. She arrived with her three-month old son and then left taking only her purse and Camila's oversized clothing with her. No call, no text, no mail, not even a fucking pigeon with a scroll in its mouth telling her whereabouts written in blood.

Her audacity to leave like that, leaving her child in the care of her ex wife is quite astonishing, at least she remembered to leave the divorce papers signed in all the right places.

That was the only thing that kept her from calling the cops on Lisa. The girl can go to hell all she wants as long as Camila is finally free from the matrimonial contract they signed.

Camila was furious to say the least at this most recent stunt Lisa has managed to pull off. But she was also relieved in a way because Ethan will now have a much better care than what he received from his own mother. She should have called social services already but something is holding her back, and every second she looks at those wide blue gray eyes, she can't help but want to keep Ethan with her for as long as she could without some kind of intervention from the authorities. They're still a bunch of strangers anyway and she doesn't want to expose Ethan that much just yet.

Admittedly, she has grown protective of him already.

Although she's still a little bit untrained and ill-prepared, Camila was still able to function like a normal person should while juggling her writing job and taking care of a baby. Even if she was a tiny bit grumpy towards him initially, and that's only because of her unreasonable envy of this little one's charm over Lauren, Ethan is quickly growing on her and she herself was gradually being charmed by this cherub-faced, noodle-haired, thumb-sucking innocent angel.

Although sometimes Camila internally argues the innocent part. She swears that those wide blue-gray eyes are all-knowing, as if silently telling her 'i know what you're up to, trick, can't fool this thumbsucker'

Just like right now.

Ethan was currently sucking on his thumb quite aggressively, casually kicking his little legs to and fro, strapped in his tiny little rocking chair, big blue-gray eyes following Camila's every move like a hawk watching his prey. It's creeping her out a little bit but she just narrowed her eyes at him in a silent warning of some sort, then resorted to sticking out her tongue like an errant child when she couldn't handle his probing eyes following her around.

He just giggled at her.

For the past forty five minutes, she has been rummaging through her closet, trying to find a suitable clothing to make herself more presentable. She doesn't want a repeat of the previous weekend encounter with Lauren where she was severely underdressed and extremely turned on, so she had been trying to avoid that. And she might also wanna try to look more than decent, like very attractive kind of decent, because well, she just wanna impress Lauren in every way possible.

Camila has been doing that for the past week, a fussing mess minutes before Lauren drops by her apartment. Even though both of them have their own jobs to attend to, Camila's time is very flexible and Lauren made a habit of dropping by before and after her every shift.

Now it is Friday already and she's aware that Lauren would be knocking at her door anytime soon. The girl knows how much inexperienced Camila is with basic infant care and made it a point to help in any way she can.

It's just that Camila can't allow herself to look even more foolish around the girl. So if her subtle style in her choice of clothing would be of any help in that department she will surely take the effort dressing up real nice but not too nice.

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