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Lauren inhaled a deep breath as she stood waiting for the elevator, hands on her hips, beads of sweat dripping down from her forehead cascading through the contours of her face, jaw, neck and between her collarbones falling all the way disappearing in the valley of her chest. A towelette was held in one hand, a water bottle on the other.

Her loose singlet is starting to cling on her skin but she really doesn't seem to mind it at all. The muscle burn she felt from the physical exertion she just did was somewhat rejuvenating and it overshadows the icky feeling of sweat.

Running for at least ten blocks daily have always been her go to exercise. But as of today, she tried working out in Ally's gym for a change. Well, technically it was still her father's but she's the one operating the business now, so it's kind of the same.

God knows how much change in life she needs just to keep her from thinking about Ashley.

Ally was there too. Apparently she needs the burn as well. Lauren's bubbly landlady needs to burn some stress as well that has totally nothing to do with her businesses. The girl was ranting about someone she calls 'Poot' who annoys her so much from day in to day out. As it turns out, Poot is one regular passer-by on the street who greets Ally every morning and in late afternoon. And that greeting always come in some form of teasing that Ally isn't really amused of.

But according to the girl, it's nothing overtly inappropriate. Just the typical cringey fuck boy moves.

Lauren patiently listened as the two of them worked out in the elliptical trainers, giving appropriate responses to be respectful; careful not to show her amusement. Because really the way Ally seemed to be so upset with Poot was so amusing, she's convinced actually of the contrary. Ally may be pissed but the more she talks, the more it appears that she likes this person.

As Lauren stood there waiting, still distracting her mind with earlier conversation with Ally and her Poot issues, Lauren didn't notice a certain russet eyed girl stood waiting as well just behind her.

She wouldn't notice anything at all if not for the raspy bedroom voice that startled her.

"Hi . . . "

Is it just me or her voice gets more raspy every single time?

Lauren thought to herself as she felt a little tickle crawl in her skin at the sound, knowing fully well whose voice that just greeted her belongs to. She tried to ignore the growing heat she suddenly feels that has totally nothing to do with her recent work out.

She rolled her eyes before turning to say hi as well.

But when she did, she paused seeing that Camila was preoccupied by shamelessly staring at her butt with her lower lip trapped between her teeth.

It was baffling as much as it made her bashful, realizing what exactly Camila was doing.

"What are you looking at? Eyes up, Casanova," Lauren barely manage to appear casual with her face turning fifty shades of red.

Camila slowly raised her darkened eyes, deliberately letting her gaze run from Lauren's shapely bare legs and thighs, all the way up to her curvy buttocks that was thankfully covered by her gym shorts. And, of course that signature smirk was ever present again in her lovely face accompanied with a bit of mirth in her eyes.

Lauren honestly can't decide whether to be pissed or amused or basically feel attacked. It seems like every time she sees that perpetual smirk and bright eyes, the charm in it only keeps growing on her.

It's annoying and it's making her feel things in her lower abdomen.

"Why my lady, I am looking at God's marvelous work of art, of course," Camila grinned even wider.

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