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"We should end this,"

"Mila . . ."

"You married me for the wrong reasons, Lisa,"

They have been going back and forth with this same topic for the last two hours. Two hours ago when Lisa woke up from twelve hours of sleep.

After seeing the very obvious in the innocent face of a newborn child, Camila found herself sat in the corner, brooding. Feeling like a complete fool after giving in to something she didn't really want for herself in the first place for so long.

Paternity test . . . Why didn't I think of that . . .

She thought.

Does it all make her any less of a person to be so foolish and gullible? She believed what Lisa told her, and didn't, for one second, doubted her. And now the lie has been uncovered, revealing the truth in the face of a young child.

"I was scared, Mila! I panicked, and you're the only one who really cared," Lisa reasoned weakly.

"You played me. Tell me, who's the father?"

A heavy silence filled the room. It was so dense that it could've squashed an avocado into a puddle of guacamole. Good thing Camila isn't an avocado.

Lisa couldn't meet her cold piercing dark gaze. Moreso, she couldn't find the words to answer.

"You know what, it doesn't matter," Camila said, rising from her seat, "this may sound cruel, but you have to understand why I broke up with you before. I am not in love with you, Lisa, and I don't lead people on when I don't feel as much. I don't think I can live in a loveless marriage either, but I agreed to marry you because I respect you and your family's archaic beliefs, because I thought you were carrying my offspring and the least I owe both of you is to give you a decent family with two parents in it,"

Camila sighed as Lisa begun to tear up.

"But you lied. You knew the child wasn't mine but you told me he was. You knew I wasn't ready for a family life, but you dragged me in it anyway by making me think this child was mine, that I'm obliged to marry you because of that. That's very selfish of you, Lisa. I will file a divorce first thing in the morning, expect it to be already signed by me. Don't make it hard for either of us because you should know by now we'd both be miserable if keep this up,"

Camila didn't wait for Lisa to say another word. She left the room with no intention of going back.

She felt tricked. She felt betrayed. She felt used.

She feels furious. She feels like lashing out.

But acting upon her hot-headedness at the moment wouldn't get her anywhere but public disturbance and property damage. She wouldn't want to get herself arrested because of that while getting to divorce her soon to be ex wife.

Camila took a calming breath and tried to look at everything in a different perspective. Lisa's lies made her feel all sorts of angry, all sorts of foolish, but to think about it more, it sums up to one good reason for her to break away.

Not even the great Casimiro can force her to take responsibility for a child that isn't hers. She is sure that even him wouldn't want to do that had it been him in the same situation.

She drove back to her apartment with her tangled emotions storming inside her. As soon as she got there, she gathered every necessity she owns, leaving and forgetting all about her dirty clothes in the laundry room. She has a one track mind at the moment and that is to leave.

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