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It was the best day ever and she feels like singing it. Well, technically, the best part happened in the night time but yeah, same principle or whatever. All she knows is that it was the best.

Lauren's laugh is the best.

And her eyes too.

And her lips.

And her nose.

And her hair.

And her neck.

And her collarbones. Most definitely.

Oh, and her ears too. They're like really cute and looks so soft, she just wants to nibble it a little. Just a little.

Then, her hand. It's so soft and warm and fits just right with hers. She just wants to keep holding it and never let go, sniff it a little, maybe kiss it too. Just one peck is all. Or maybe let it run all over her arm, or her face, maybe all over her body too, maybe all the way down to her . . .

It's just . . . it's so soft and warm like a plush toy made out of fluffy feather boa and she just wants to feel it all over her.

If Camila could extend the night to the next eternity, she would. As long as Lauren will always be in it, she wouldn't mind an endless night of Disney classics remake and hideous pizza making. She could be silly all night long just to hear that wonderful sound of Lauren's laugh.

But alas, the night has come to its end.

Camila walked Lauren to her door, her hand still clasped together with that warm, soft and firm palm. She really doesn't want to let it go. It's making her heart dance with the grace of the blazing red orange flames, soft little embers flying in crackling sparks in every beat and she just wants to keep it that way, a never ending feeling of warmth in a simple touch of hands.

"That was fun, Camz. I really had so much fun. Thanks for inviting me," Lauren said softly.

"No problem," she smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed the movie,"

"And the pizza, too"

Camila chuckled, ". . . And yes, the pizza. I had fun too. You know Disney's going to do a live action remake of Mulan as well, so just in case, I'm asking first dibs on you going with me to watch the premiere,"

Lauren chuckled as well, "that's literally gonna be more than a year from now,"

"A lot can happen in a year so I got to make sure as early as now," Camila shrugged.

"We'll see. . ."

"Aw, man. . . You're gonna leave me on hold? Come on, it's Mulan!"

"I know and it's one of my favorites because I love the feminist representation in the movie and I'd like to see how this live action version of it do justice with the original animated one, okay. But it's still gonna be next year so. . . I don't know, maybe I'll end up watching it with Mushu by then,"

"I promise you the front row seat tickets in IMAX, just promise to watch it with me,"

"Good night, Camz,"

Lauren chuckled as she gently pulled her hand from Camila and opened her apartment door.

And Camila felt the loss instantly. The kind of loss that's taking all of her willpower to hold herself back and not reach out to grab Lauren's hand again. That's just a weird thing to do but Camila's impulse is begging her to.

"Pinky promise me first," she bargained instead, holding out a pinky and her signature smirk.

Lauren waved at her, smiling amused, before closing her door. Camila was left in the hallway, ended up smiling as well like a complete dork. Then, she heard Lauren's muffled voice say from behind the closed door, "Or perhaps I'll meet one dashing Captain Li Shang and watch it with him instead,"

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