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You know that feeling when a line from a song keeps striking up in your mind, so randomly, so out of the blue. That one line that keeps going on a loop, and the rest of the song lyrics doesn't come up at all. Just that one line and nothing more.

The worst things in life come free to us

She's so out of it, it's the only thing that's been running in her head since seeing Lauren's unconscious body on the ground, drowning in a pool of her own blood. While everybody else around her were moving about, doing god knows what, she sat there in the waiting area, drowning in a pool of her own tears and snot, thinking of a line in a song that she can't even remember the title.

It hurts to move. It even hurts to breathe knowing that Lauren might've just taken her last on that very second she was shot. It's the worst thing she ever been through in her life. Waiting, waiting and feeling helpless. But they're at the hospital right now so that has to mean something positive.

A few hospital staff recognized her from her earlier outburst trying to get away from them. Irony has it that she's found herself in that same place she tried to runaway from. And they were all surprised to see her still conscious after her mild concussion.

She was even surprised to see herself upright when she knows she was supposed to be the one on that operating table.


Dinah took a seat next to her. She doesn't know where the girl came from or what has she been up to. She doesn't even know where Normani is or Alycia or any of the dumb assholes who ruined everything for her and Lauren.

She doesn't even know where Ethan is.

"Ethan is still with that lady from the child services. I think they'll be taking care of him now that they couldn't find anyone else to be his immediate family. Mani just went to get us some coffee and muffins. There's still no update on how Lauren is, the nurses and the doctors won't give me anything. I've harrassed them for hours now. I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling. I'm beyond terrified myself, of losing her like this and so soon to be honest, I mean she's my sister and she's been with me through the years, through all the good and the bad. But in all of this time I've known her, I know for sure that she won't give up without a fight. I have faith in her getting through this," Dinah rambled as she sat herself next to her, "I have faith in you too, Camila. But right now, you need to get some rest, you look like you just got ran over by the Dothraki horde,"

Camila couldn't care any less about how unruly she looks right now. But most of all, she couldn't understand how Dinah is able to talk to her. She's the reason why her sister is fighting for her life in the first place.

"Shouldn't you be angry with me? It's my fault she's in there Dinah, shouldn't you be screaming at me right now, or something," she said dejectedly.

"What happened was out of your control, Mila. I do not blame you for any of this. Some people are just plain evil and conniving and they don't care who gets in their way, or who gets hurt. It's not your fault some people are like that. Please don't take the blame for something that wasn't in your control,"

"I should've known, I should have-"

"But you didn't. You didn't know your ex father in law was involved in drugs or that your ex wife was holding a grudge. You see the good in people, pretty much like Lauren. I don't hold you accountable for the actions those people have made,"

"I'm so sorry, Dinah. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Camila let out another bout of crying. Her voice was rougher than a sandpaper, and her face was draining of color, shiny with all the tears she had shed.

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