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"Come on, Dinah, let's help her out of here," Alycia said, reaching down to both a concerned Dinah and a crying Lauren in her arms, "Lucy and Lindsay are ushering the guests out, seeing that there isn't gonna be a wedding now. Vero and Eliza are trying to calm mama and papa J,"

Lauren, despite her heart crumbling right there, she was aware of what she had just done. She was aware she embarassed Ashley, moreso in a way, herself too. But she wasn't feeling any embarassment for herself with what she just pulled off. She can't be feeling much more than anything but heartbreak and anger and her tears just couldn't stop flowing to show how much she's hurting.

She doesn't care how pathetic she may seem right now. But she at least found a bit of satisfaction in showing everyone what a lying cheating jerk Ashley is.

"Laur?" She heard Alycia. She knows the arms wrapped around her belongs to her sister, but it was Alycia's gentle voice she heard.

Apparently Dinah became momentarily speechless, well in too deep in her thoughts and God only knows what's going on in that head of hers. But it didn't stop her from hugging Lauren so protectively, hoping that somehow she can ease her sister's pain.

"Let's go," Alycia said in a firm but soft voice. She too feels angered by what had just been revealed. But what's done is done, she needs to help her friend move forward from this mess. Among their friends, she's the one who was very good at keeping her emotions in check.

"I swear I could've stuck my foot so she'll fall flat in her face when she ran earlier, but I wasn't seated by the aisle," Alycia and Dinah heard Vero comment as she approached closer, with Eliza walking beside her.

"Bitch I would stuck my spiky high heeled foot way up her throat any day for what she did to our Lauren. That deceitful piece of shit," Lindsay added as she was just behind Vero and Eliza.

"Shut up bitches I will totally sta-" Lucy was gonna say something relatively violent as well but Eliza cut her off.

"Can you hoes plot Ashley's murder when we get Lauren to calm down first? I have a few ideas myself but now isn't the time," She hissed at her slightly aggressive friends.

It took a bit more while and eventually the six girls, including a pensive Dinah, was able to haul Lauren back inside the building and all the way to her room.

Inside the room, six young ladies in their best outfit hovered around for a little bit, looking around the corners of the room as if they are the secret service scoping the area for the safety of the 'leader of the free world'.

While Lauren curled on herself, Dinah and Alycia stood by next to the bed on either side like sentinels in a fancy dress. Vero and Eliza were hovering by the furnitures around them looking for nothing in particular. Lucy and Lindsay busied themselves fixing stuff in the bathroom and the adjacent mini kitchen area.

Lauren ignored her friends' aimless and awkward fussing, she wasn't in her right frame of mind to comment on their weirdness. But she's well aware of their worry and she feels guilty somehow for not giving them a heads up with her impulsive plans.

"I-i'm sorry g-guys," Lauren hiccuped after a while of crying silently and finally gathering her wits to say something, pushing through a flood of memories of Ashley.

Her words were soft as a whisper but the heavy silence in the room made it so loud it immediately caught all the other six girls' attention. Their awkward hovering stopped right away and they all went at once surrounding Lauren, like a handful of nails to a magnet, then words of comfort and assurances were spoken all at once as well, with the occasional morbid threats aimed at Ashley from Vero, Lucy and Lindsay.

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