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"So annoying, OMG,"

Lauren sighed exaggeratedly.

Lucy has been nagging her to go out clubbing on a Monday night. Apparently, she met some dude she got a big ass crush on who owns a club and she wanted to check it out. But for real, Lauren knows it is the owner Lucy wants to check out.

"You're annoying," Lucy bit back, "It's been like a month of you moping around, like come on, Laur, I'm not asking you to jump some random guy or girl's bones but what I'm trying to say is to at least go out there and have a little bit of fun! A little bit of life!"

Lucy insisted as she walked Lauren to her office. Apparently she had no better things to do that particular Monday than to bother her grumpy friend.

Lauren doesn't really mind Lucy's company, but her nagging is starting to get to her nerves and she doesn't want to snap at her friend. She doesn't want to say something that might just hurt her feelings. Although her refusing Lucy kind of hurts in a way because her best friend wants to hang out with her despite her other motives of checking out the club's owner.

But at the moment, it's getting really hard not to snap.

She understands that Lucy was just trying to be a good friend and help her get out of her funk. Because since the wedding, Lauren has become obsessed with her work. Gone was the carefree and fun loving Lauren that her friends know.

For the past five weeks since finding out that the love of her life cheated on her, and quote 'didnt find connection with anyone else', Lauren focused all of her time and energy making many different graphics design and drawing even more 3D art on her huge sketchpad. She might've just consumed a year-long supply of every coloring materials imaginable in just five weeks.

And when she's not drawing all of her heartbreak in paper, she busies herself with mundane tasks like rearranging her stuff in the closet or her collection of fiction novels on the shelf. Like rearranging her furnitures in the living room and kitchen and bedroom. If it's possible to rearrange the shower and the toilet, she could've done that as well. But since she can't, she settled on rearranging her skin and hair products and dental hygiene stuff instead.

She does that a lot. Repeatedly.

And when there's no more mundane things to do, she runs. She runs on the city streets and city parks while blasting awolnation's run on her earphones on repeat. She doesn't want to listen to any cheesy love song or bitter break-up songs or some stupid mainstream pop song, it will all just make her more upset and restless and downright pissed off.

Because all those stupid songs will just remind her of Ashley. Anything and everything about Ashley.

Lauren doesn't really want to go out and have a little bit of fun, as Lucy had been suggesting. She just couldn't find it in herself to go and meet someone new when all she's ever known was loving Ashley.

Ashley was her first and only.

She might've found out her ex's indiscretions in such a painful way, but before that, Lauren was truly happy. She found happiness in the simple gestures like sharing meals, talking about anything and everything, kisses and hugs and cuddling while binge watching old shows like The OC and Smallville and Charmed, surfing tutorials on top of every other water sport tutorials that Ashley is so exceptionally good at on a windy day at the beach, playing the keyboard side by side coming up with a bunch of cheesy, cringey ass songs then laughing about it all, then end up making out until they both fall out of balance on the floor.

Lauren was happy. Until she wasn't anymore. Ashley made Lauren happy until she broke her heart.

"Aren't you supposed to be in some photoshoot? Or some table reading with your director, since you're gonna be an actor now, or something?" Lauren asked as she dropped her purse on the floor and began ruffling through pages and pages of papers in her portfolio.

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