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"That was all she cared about because according to her, that Mila freak was the only one who cared about her. To be honest, it's fucking annoying how much she talks about how she'll get Mila back. By hook or by crook she says,"

Alycia stared at the man identified as Dempsey O'Brien. Her evergreen eyes were cold, devoid of any discernible emotion. They've been going back and forth, running the same story for the past hour in one of the police station's interrogation rooms. The detective is still searching for more definitive answers that will help her case while the man still keeps on stalling.

But she played along, letting him talk, seeing that he is having fun running his mouth and telling her one bullshit after another. Alycia wasn't buying any of his shit and continues to fish for a more interesting information.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Bitch tried to seduce the freak. Before that she played the homeless-disowned-daughter-of-a-mob-boss part. Didn't work. That pissed Lisa off big time, that's why she left the kid to the ex wife. But what really made her furious was that pretty girl hanging around with them. She was jealous, man. So jealous she was seeing blood red each time she sees them together, it was driving her insane. Murderous insane if you ask. She said if she can't have that freak no one else will,"

"That sounds murderous insane indeed. Is that why she had her own kid and said pretty girl taken?"

"The kid and the freak were the real targets. The boys were supposed to take Mila, then coerce her to marry Lisa again. Bring them to some island somewhere in the Pacific so they can start a new life as one happy family because that's what ol' Casimiro was all about. Family and shit. But the kid was attached to pretty girl and the boys were on a time limit so yeah, they took the wrong target. Pretty stupid I say," Dempsey shrugged.

The detective doesn't believe him but pretends she does.

"You took the wrong girl then what? What did you plan on doing after realizing your boys' stupid mistake,"

"Don't know," Dempsey replied a little too fast for Alycia's liking, "Lisa's the showrunner. Takes after her old man being bossy and all,"

The disdain in the man's tone didn't escape the detective's notice, "Like father, like daughter. Is that what you mean? Did she tell you what to do after learning your boys picked up the wromg person?" she prompted.

"No, she didn't give anymore specific instructions, she was too busy throwing tantrums," Dempsey looked down on his flexing hands against the handcuffs, his mouth was twitching in a such a manner that suggests that there was more to what he's saying, "Old man's bossy as fuck. Daughter is so much worse. I was tired playing the role of being their lackey. When Lisa hatched the plan of us taking her kid in exchange for all of Casimiro's properties and two hundred and fifty million dollars, I agreed to it right away. Cuz man, that's a hell lot of money and promised they'll let me retire from the job. But what made it all complicated was that Lisa wanted the freak as well,"

Alycia listened intently. She has read Lisa Morales' profile, along with everybody else's that was involved. She's convinced that a ransom as elaborate as that, no matter how sloppy they have executed their plan, was something Lisa was too shallow to come up with. Dempsey claiming this was all Lisa's plan doesn't fit the profile they have.

Before the detective can pry for more details, hoping to read between Dempsey's words, she got herself a phone call.

Lauren is finally awake.

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"Where's Camz?"

Lauren heard her own scratchy voice. She just woke up from a full thirty six hours of sleep. She still feels a little bit groggy, her vision a bit shaky, but otherwise she feels just fine. Of course, she'd definitely feel much better if Camila was nearby.

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