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A person can only do so much to impress a girl. One can simply go and approach her if you want her attention, strike up a civilized conversation. If you want her smile, or even a decent laugh, pull up a knock-knock joke or two if you know a few.

But then to truly win a girl's heart, one must do more than just simply approach, talk or joke around. It takes a more deliberate effort, showing you care about her, not just her welfare but the things she cares about as well. Giving respect for who she is and who she isn't, her individuality and her beliefs.

And also to never ever argue with her about which colors to use when painting an ugly drab-looking wall, especially when she clearly knows better than you.

"Seriously, Camz, that's not the shade of purple to use here. Besides, really? A purple wall?"

"What? It's pretty . . . Like you," Camila pathetically reasons.

Lauren tilted her head towards Camila, unamused glare in her eyes. Camila just looked back at her expectantly with a silly little grin on her face while holding on to a can of quick-dry paint. The girl rolled her green eyes, smiling to herself, blushing once again.

Really, she just can't help it.

Pushing Lauren's buttons are as much fun as making her laugh or cum. Camila just loves every little reaction she gets from Lauren. Even her frown is so damn cute, and her pout is even more irresistible. She already stole a couple of quick kisses on that two occasions Lauren pouted over something silly she did earlier. It was awesome. Especially when Lauren turned a little bashful and blushed.

Anyway, going back to the point of impressing her future wife and winning her precious heart.

She has already seen that Lauren was truly having a good time, helping the elderlies clean up the place, chatting with them about things in life and stuff. She witnessed her happily and kindly indulge a septuagenarian woman, who was already showing signs of Alzheimer's, to read her fortune through her palm. It was really amusing when the woman told Lauren that she will give birth to a boy with whiskey-colored eyes on the third day of March next year, and Lauren laughed softly and told the woman how specificly far-fetched her reading was. And that if she really did give birth to a boy on that particular day, she might just name him after the woman's late husband whom she kept talking about so much. For some odd, weird reason, the old woman beamed at Lauren with teary eyes and hugged her tight.

The residents of the retirement home took a liking at Lauren immediately, drawn by her kindness, wit and sensitivity, and by association, they were nice to Camila as well. Although, she clearly remembers the first time she volunteered there, they were a little bit brash on her, as if she was that little problematic brat who served the barbecue raw for them.

It's just that Lauren have this charming appeal that reels people in with minimal effort. She's attentive and perceptive, she knows what to say and when to say it, not to mention her beautiful face and smile adds up to the whole equation. She's respectfully honest with her remarks and not once patronized or condescending towards anyone. She's thoughtful and caring, that very nurturing side of her simply shines through.

And Camila can't help feeling that sense of pride by just watching her interact with everyone.

Even if when one geezer, who looks a whole lot like Hugh Hefner, tried to flirt and gave Lauren a bunch of dandelions he picked from the bushes then quoted some poetic verse from Shakespeare's Othello. It was kind of creepy, and a little bit of jealousy bubbled up in Camila's stomach because damn this old guy got much better moves than Lauren's pathetic ex fiancé named Ashhole and her combined, but seeing the girl being her gracious self and cited a few quotes from the same Shakespeare tragedy as well for the old man, was just too endearing to watch.

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