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The next time Camila had an encounter with the stranger with beautiful eyes was just outside of their building a few days later.

It was a nice day, not too cloudy or windy and not too sunny either. Camila has finally decided to leave the confines of her apartment that even after a few days later was unsurprisingly still looks like a clutter of tangled mess.

She was on her way to order some food in Ally's restaurant when she was met by the gorgeous stranger she bumped into a few days ago. She still doesn't know her name, but her face was etched in her brain like a foot stomped on a wet concrete left to dry.

The young lady was wearing a black under armour tank top and a tight running shorts. Camila can't stop her wandering eyes as she checks out the other girl quite shamelessly from her face to her body, as the girl's chest was profoundly outlined by her sweaty appearance as well as its rise and fall, as she was panting. From the slowly cascading bead of sweat on her cleavage that automatically made Camila's throat dry, and all the way to her legs that seem to go miles and miles in that tight running shorts.

Damn she's hot . . .

Camila thought to herself, feeling a slight tightening in her jeans. Throughout her staring, she totally failed to see the intense glare of the unnamed young woman.

"Are you finished?"

The girl asked with one perfect eyebrow raised, startling Camila and making her immediately look at the young woman's intense eyes. "Because you're blocking my way,"

"Uh . . . Finish what?" Camila asked, confused.


Camila thought for a moment what the girl meant. A smirk slowly curved on her lips as she regarded the human incarnate of Aphrodite standing before her when she eventually realized two seconds later that the girl was trying to point out she was being a creep for checking her out so blatantly.

"I wouldn't call it creeping,"

"Whatever, just step out of my way . . . creep," the girl mumbled the last word.

Camila chuckled. "I call it appreciation. I mean, a face and a body like yours ought to be appreciated,"

The girl stared at Camila, eyebrow still arched, unamused. Camila doesn't know what to make of the girl's demeanor, if she was just that uptight kind of gal or downright antisocial. All Camila was trying at the moment was to be friendly.

Well, who doesn't want to be friendly with a beautiful girl anyway? Camila is absolutely not one of those.

But the thing is, there's just something about this girl that easily brings out that friendly, playful side to Camila. After the lies she dealt with in almost a year, she totally deserve a little bit of that playfulness and a bunch of friends to give herself a break. Moreso, there is also something about the girl that just draws her in, like some kind of magnet, it's not just the girl's aesthetics or the cold mystery that surrounds her. It could've been the girl's voice or tone, or maybe it was her eyes, but Camila really can't tell for sure.

What she can tell for sure at the moment is that she is definitely drawn to this girl even if they have only met each other twice.

"Can you please move now?" The girl asked impatiently as Camila was about to get lost in her head.

"As you wish, princess," Camila stepped aside with a slight bow.

"That's not my name,"

"Oh, sorry, my bad . . . Can I try again?" Camila smirked at how aloof the girl was.

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