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Back in ancient times, when iTunes hasn't been invented just yet, there was that thing called the FM radio. It is that thing that makes that wonderful sound that fills the boring silence. It is that one resilient product of science that withstood time and change, and people actually listen to it more often than they ever listened to their own mothers.

People are amazed at the things they hear on the radio. They feel some type of giddiness at the upbeat sounds that comes out of that intricate box. A chill crawling in their skin at the instrumental music, a great feeling of exhilaration at the melodious harmony filling the rather bland silent airwaves. That elation on the very moment they hear for the first time that perfect symphony that just makes the rest of the world stop and make use of their ears. Nothing else seems to exist but only that sound.

And Camila was having that exact precious moment. A moment of elation and blissful trance in hearing something so wonderfully melodious for the first time.

Well, until of course Lauren started scrambling for her things and left her in the park faster than SpongeBob could flip a thousand krabby patties in a day, dumbfounded and confused.

She doesn't know what exactly happened to make Lauren run off like that but she was way too stunned to make a move and follow the girl. Stunned for two reasons that is. They were just talking, playing some silly game. They were having fun, Camila was sure of that, because for the first time ever since she met Lauren, she heard the girl laugh.

And it was glorious.

Then, so suddenly, she left. With some whatever excuse that Camila honestly didn't pay attention to because she got caught up deep in that beautiful laugh.

One, she was very stunned at the gloriously melodious sound of her laughter. Then two, literally like two and one quarter of a second later, she just left.

It was so baffling.

Lauren left just as Camila was cruising on cloud nine listening to her laugh.


But seriously, Camila must have done something right to finally hear her typically grumpy neighbor laugh, she can easily say that it was the best thing she ever heard by far. Camila is now making an oath to herself, vowing to do her best to make Lauren laugh, even if it makes her the silliest idiot in the whole town. It'll be so worth it.

Now that she's on her own on the park bench, Camila can't see the purpose of staying there anymore. Couple minutes later after gathering her baffled bearings, her wits finally back to its normal function, realizing that Lauren has now gone some place else, she decided to also leave the park and do what she actually was supposed to do.

Camila was supposed to go to Normani's place to help the young director and producer dress up for some party. Or was it a date? Camila can't seem to remember because truthfully, she can still hear Lauren's laugh in her head like a serious case of last song syndrome.

That in itself was enough to make her forget everything else.

Anyway, Camila was just about to walk towards the subway station when she saw Lauren across the street. The girl was wearing a loose light blue sweatshirt with a face of a puppy printed on it and a pair of navy blue sweatpants that was a little oversized as well. Her dark hair was bunched up in quite a messy bun, a few strands were falling on the side of her pretty face and forehead.

So effortlessly beautiful.

And just like that, after five seconds of gawking, Camila found herself following the girl to wherever she was going, best friend duties be damned, Normani can dress herself up just fine.

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