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This fandom is about to be murdered by Lauren 😂 like seriously 💀💀

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She woke up to the smell coffee, freshly brewed and aromatic. The rich scent of roasted beans wafted through the room, invigorating and teasing her slowly waking senses.

There's a familiar comfort in the aroma of coffee in the morning that just gets her. It makes her think of the possibilities that is promised in the day up ahead. Opportunities and chances; tasks and chores and responsibilities; every other little thing that adds up to make a decent day; it all comes to mind at the brewed scent of coffee, reminding her not to take for granted her every waking hours.

It was a nice feeling, is all.

Then, as she moved her head, causing her to slightly bury her face on the soft pillow, she was greeted with yet another nice smell. It was kind of strange, it was something floral, like a bunch of pink rose petals; delicate and soft, but also a bit like detergent with a hint of chlorine; it smells like a heady kind of clean.

It was indeed strange because that's not how her pillows smell like. But in a way, it kind of smells just as nice. It's just that this wasn't the scent she usually wakes up to.

Fluttering her eyelids wide open now, her green dilated eyes scanned the immediate surroundings her line of vision covered. She was met with stacks of books and papers on a desk right across from her, next to it was an open laptop with SpongeBob gif trying to catch some jellyfish on the screen. A bonsai tree was sitting by the window, trimmed into the shape of a pinecone, blinds are still down but soft rays of sunlight were seeping through.

These all looked so damn familiar, but her brain is still somewhere up in the clouds to properly function.

The freshly brewed scent of coffee was now getting stronger and it really did bring her lax senses to awareness. As clarity in her eyes became more profound, she glanced down to the floor. She saw a denim jacket that looks awfully lot like Camila's from the night before.

Then, it hit her.


Last night.

Lauren took a sharp intake of breath and turned abruptly on the soft mattress of the bed. That's when she felt the soreness around her lower extremities ache, making her groan as she stretched her still sleeping muscles. Her sleep-fogged mind cleared as memories of last night flashed like a movie clip reeling.

It rendered her paralyzed.

Lauren hasn't done anything spontaneous like that before.

As in spontaneously acting out on her impulse, on her desires. Giving in to the intense physical attraction as easily as that. She had always put into consideration how deep her feelings were before jumping into someone's bed and do the horizontal tango. If she doesn't feel as strongly, deeply, and irrevocably captivated, she wouldn't dare do anything more than being a regular civilized person. That's why it took her longer to lose her virginity, and eventually lose it to someone she actually fell in love with. Her feelings were certain and deep and reciprocated at the time. She felt secured.

However, with Camila last night, she honestly can't put a definite label for her feelings for the girl. Not because she doesn't want to, but it terrifies her, of what she truly felt for Camila in such a short time she knew her. It may have been irritation and annoyance at first, but only because she didn't allow herself to get that close to her. Eventually, she noticed the little things that made Camila such a great person. She has become well aware of her attraction to her that has grown into some kind of crush. Then, her growing attachment to her sprouted from her sincere care for Ethan; and Lauren would like to convince herself that all of that weren't solid enough reason for her to lose her self restraint, tear down the walls she has just barely built around herself and just simply cave in.

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