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Bitter anger begins to show in Lauren's beautiful emerald eyes as she watched her take a tentative step. It's so cold, a hard shade of green that can send a chilling breeze running through your skin. It hurt so damn bad to be on the receiving end of that look. But what exactly did she expect from Lauren when she ran away at a time she needed her the most.

Camila resents herself for what she did. No one was to blame for that, a look that hurt so much, but herself. What exactly was she expecting from the girl that she left, when she let fear fester in her mind, let its power grow until it made a coward out of her?


She shouldn't expect anything.

But still she finds herself hoping. Hoping for Lauren's open mindedness. Her understanding and forgiveness.

Forgiveness for being that idiot who ran when things got tough. That she let herself be scared than face the truth that she has fallen irrevocably in love with someone as beautiful and kind as Lauren. A person's life may end in the most tragic way and no one can really predict when is that going to happen, and in between that time and this moment right now should've been spent living it to the fullest, not cowering in the safety of distance. But that's what she did, because she was that idiot.

She kept her distance thinking that she was keeping Lauren's life safe.

And now she realized what a stupid mistake that was.

The choice to leave only made her miserable than ever. Knowing that somewhere about a thousand miles away, Lauren was nursing a bullet hole. A bullet hole that was intended for her. Knowing that every single moment she spent with the girl is carved in her brain and it haunts her every sleep, her every waking hours.

It was a stupid impulse decision that she caved in to. Guess that concussion wracked her brain so much her neurons must've decided to take a vacation somewhere and let her make the dumbest choice in her life.

Now standing where she stood, Camila admired the beauty that made her pulse race, her blood warm. She couldn't comprehend the magnitude of feelings that envelopes her entire being by simply gazing at those wonderful emerald eyes. But despite all these, she found herself wondering why would Lauren be at the airport.

She has been pep talking herself, so whatever little courage she still has won't dissipate on thin air, as she finally decided to go to Lauren's apartment, face her and apologize for how she acted. Honestly, she's very nervous but she choked it all down on her throat because life is most definitely miserable for her without Lauren in it.

So, imagine her surprise to find the girl standing several feet from her. A stomach-bugging mix of joy and nerves hit her like a sucker punch in the gut.

Maybe she was going somewhere? Or does she know about her arrival?

Camila haven't spoken with anyone but her parents in all the weeks she went awol. Normani was one thin thread away from beating her ass like a piñata for not picking up her calls, threatening her through voicemail to make a human pretzel out of her if she didn't get her shit together.

It is unlikely that Lauren would know about her coming back. So it is quite a puzzle for her why she was there at the airport. And seeing the girl sooner than she intended caught her off guard. Itseems like all the pep talk she thrust into herself became useless and were nothing but abunch of empty words to pass the time.

She packed her courage in her chest anyway and put more confidence in her stride because it's time for her to woman up.

But then Lauren turned.

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