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She should have just kept her mouth shut. If it's possible to swallow back those words as soon as it left her mouth, she would've taken it back faster than taking a tequila shot. She doesn't like how the brightness of Lauren's evergreen eyes faded into a lighter shade of gray.

Worse, she doesn't want to be the reason behind it.

But Camila can't help it. She was presented with something about the girl's interesting past and it was too late to stop her curiosity from spilling out.

Sometimes her mouth just works faster than her brain, it's baffling.

Sure enough, she and Lauren did talk a lot about anything and everything. For the past few months they've known each other, they talked about many things already, apart from the playful banter and harmless flirting; they talked about the things they know in life, the things they like and dislike, their interests, bits and pieces about their personal lives. And she couldn't have been happier to find someone she can relate to the most.

But Camila realized that the girl never mentioned anything about her past relationships.

Lauren seemed to contemplate her response, taking a bit of time as she forked her pancakes. Camila on the other hand took it as a chance to try and take back her words subtly, not wanting to cross a line should her question indeed made the girl uncomfortable.

Even if she really does want to know more.

"You know what, Lo, it's fine," she grinned, "If it's something you're not comfortable to talk about, you don't have to answer. It's okay, I'll just ask you another question . . . like, uhmm . . . Oh, I know! I have actually been meaning to ask you this but I was waiting for the right time and I can't seem to find it, but I think now is a good time to ask . . . So, uhm, I was wondering . . ."

Camila paused for effect that left Lauren with a confused look in her gorgeous face, ". . . Are you a cat?"

"Oh my gosh, here we go again . . ." Lauren rolled her eyes, chuckling at a smirking Camila, "No, why?"

". . . Because I'm feline a connection between us,"

Lauren shook her head in amusement, whose smile made Camila feel proud of herself. This is what truly matters for her, to see Lauren's beautiful smile back at her beautiful face, "I honestly don't want to know where the hell do you get all of these pick up lines,"

"Well, you ought to know you inspired it all . . . What I'm trying to say is that I kinda got it from you because you're like google,"


"You're like google . . . you have everything I'm searching for,"

"Just finish your waffles, Camz," Lauren sipped her iced tea, trying to mask her smile, hide the little blush spreading over her cheeks, but Camila already noticed.

"Speaking of waffles, are you a waffle maker?" She went on to keep the light atmosphere between them.

Trust a horrible pick up line to make a girl laugh.

"Mmm, I think I heard this before but go on anyway," Lauren said, "No, why?"

"Cuz I'd like to fill you up with my batter," Camila grinned, wiggled her eyebrows and winked at the green eyed girl.

Lauren laughed heartily, "You are unbelievable, Camz,"

Camila felt like patting her own back for such an accomplishment. She really wants to make it a point to make Lauren laugh at least three times a day as if it was doctor-prescribed, even if it makes a fool out of her. She would gladly be Lauren's personal jester if it means to make her so happy.

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