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( ⚠️ for implied violence on the last part of this chapter)

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"They're totally something,"

Lauren smiled fondly, glancing at her friends running around the park, yelling petty nonsense like a bunch of kindergarten misfits instead of full grown adults, "They sure are. They get outrageous most days but I won't take it any other way. I love them,"

"I can tell," she replied.

It seems to her that Lauren was the only sensible person in the group. Camila noticed that she was the one sane enough to keep everyone from making too much trouble or noise; with how loud Lucy was with her laughing or how Dinah gets sassy with every person who rubs her the wrong way, they would have been easily arrested even if they have a friend who was a cop as well. And that's only because Alycia's attention span seems to only revolve around every little thing her girlfriend Eliza does, which is to either laugh or encourage Lucy and Dinah's sex jokes. The said cop was way too lost dreamily staring and smiling at her girl.

Camila can totally relate to what Alycia had been doing, because every time she glances over at Lauren, she got this lost dreamy look and a stupid little grin on her face.

She was meeting with an editor that afternoon, who actually ditched their meeting at the diner Lauren and her friends were hanging out. She was hoping to see the girl later in the evening, but it was such a wonderful surprise to see her there anyway. Her initial annoyance at the editor's last minute cancellation of their meet has completely turned into an absolute delight upon catching that soul-gripping green-eyed gaze from across the room.

Eventually, she was pulled into their table and for quite sometime was put on the spot for a bit of weird questioning. It all resembled a whole lot like an interrogation that she can't decide whether to feel traumatized or amused about the whole thing. But with all honesty, she actually had fun indulging Lauren's friends and their unfiltered inquiry.

She already knew of Lucy, who never ceased to be so forward with her suggestive innuendos that sure made Lauren blush redder than a ripe tomato, and of course, Lauren's sister Dinah, who was just as mischievous as Lucy. Guess, the both of them pretty much got the memo of her and Lauren's little rendezvous in her apartment the previous night. Camila ought to have prepared herself for the grilling because Lauren is well loved by these people.

However, she just met Alycia, who is actually a police officer, and Eliza, whom she realized was actually the daughter of Ethan's pediatrician. Then, she found out the two of them were dating and has known Lauren for a very long time. Both simultaneously asked her a few things that ranged from basic personal information to her opinion about which is the worse breath; funyun or garlic.

Least to say, Lauren's friends have the tendency to become overwhelming. But they're as fun and colorful as a never ending Mardi gras. After having a rollercoaster kind of conversation with the group, looping around from one weird topic to another, they all decided to burn all the calories they ate by walking around the park.

So now, she has found herself walking alongside Lauren while everybody else were ahead, being their hilarious selves. Lauren spoke of her friends, their odd quirks and personalities with a fond smile. Camila got to understand them a little better by the girl's description while looking at them. She spoke of another two friends left in L.A. and she spoke more of Dinah and their family.

With the way Lauren regarded these people, it is very easy to tell that she loves them dearly, and they feel the same towards her.

"They all sound amazing, Lo. And I can see that, looking at the four them right now. Although, I just got to admit that Lucy is a bit too much and Alycia is a little bit scary," she said.

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