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"So, you weren't exactly cleared to leave but somehow managed to get out of the hospital. And the two of you are so totally chill about it as if you were just taking out groceries from the store just like that,"

Alycia snapped her fingers a couple of times for emphasis and the three civilians sitting in the back of her car simply nodded altogether.

"I honestly don't want to know how you three did it," she huffed, very conflicted with the situation she got herself into with her friends. This is so not the protocol.

Camila was very adamant that she should leave the hospital premises, definitely against doctor's orders, and look for Lauren herself. Normani and Dinah knew that they can't stop her with how determined she was, ready to fight and barrel through anyone who dares to get in her way, so they simply just joined her.

It's not that they don't trust the police to do their jobs but it was more like to appease their desire to be able to do something, to not feel as helpless and useless as they do.

Camila simply walked out of the hospital, soon after she put on the change of clothes Normani provided her. Necessary hospital documents or whatever follow up procedures be damned, they're all irrelevant to her.

The three of them didn't have a concrete plan of action after making past the hospital staff trying and failing in making them stay. But Dinah suggested that they should all go to the police station to see for themselves whatever progress they're making.

They all agreed and arrived at the station just in time for the police officers to prepare for a rescue mission. Alycia was leading one of the teams and as much as she doesn't want the three of them involved, she just can't fight them seeing that they all made themselves comfortable in the backseat of her car, already sitting like good, expectant puppy dogs.

Now, here they were. Alycia worrying herself for whatever outcome that may happen, hoping that it isn't too late for them to save her best friend. And also that her ass won't get chewed up by her superiors for having these three musketeers in the backseat interfere with a very delicate police operation.

She wasn't supposed to disclose any information just yet, but she found herself relaying most of what she knows to her friends while driving. She has known Dinah for a very long time, however she only just met Camila and Normani. But somehow her instinct tells her they're just as trustworthy. Not to mention Camila's insistent demand to know everything, and had she been the one in her shoes, she'd probably do just the same if not more.

Camila, Normani and Dinah found out from Alycia that the people who attacked the retirement home were loose members of several known gangs associated with the drug cartel. They have been targeting Casimiro Morales because apparently, importing and exporting Cuban rum and cigars aren't his only business. Several law enforcement agencies has been building a case against him in relation to illegal drug trafficking. According to reports, he has been in the business of importing, exporting and distributing many different illegal drugs including cocaine and heroin. He's been a major player and his rivals wants to take him down before he can monopolize the drug trade not just in the entire nation of Cuba but as well as the entire states of Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and all the way to New York.

The police suspects that a rival group was responsible for attacking, knowing that Casimiro would be in the retirement home. And that the real target was Ethan whom the old man introduced to be his sole heir to all of his wealth and everything else he owns. Brad the grapefruit is the only known subject in the group, but according to the police he's always been associated with different gangs so there was no definite answer to whose group he really belongs to or to whom he really works for. Lauren just turned out to be a collateral damage caught in the middle of it all.

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