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Dinah stared at the girl with dreamy eyes like this beautiful human being is the unworldly goddess of flawlessness and gracefulness, a commanding presence that has got every lowly peasant in the room drunk in her intoxicating powerful spell.

The Jauregui sisters aren't peasants of any sort but somehow, both has been roped in by the charm of none other than the beautiful, sophisticated Normani Kordei Hamilton. In Dinah's case, it's more than just roped in, but more like roped, tied in a sailor's knot, trapped in a glittery gilded cage, taken captive far away in an island of bliss and euphoria, locked and sealed for all eternity with no means of escape or reprieve. A sapphic and more subtle version of Hades and Persephone's mythical story if you may.

Her sister is so in too deep already, Lauren couldn't help but worry a little. Even if this Normani person is really pretty and nice and eloquent.

Afterall, she only met this person just now. And it doesn't really take a minute of introduction to trust someone if you're as cynical and skeptic as Lauren has become.

After having breakfast with Dinah earlier in the day and a brief catching up on the few months they haven't seen each other, Lauren ultimately decided not to go to her usual Sunday run and just hang out with her sister. She helped her get settled in the spare room she kept as a personal art studio, removed all of her artworks and art materials and dumped it all in her bedroom. She ordered a new mattress online even if Dinah complained relentlessly that she deserved so much better than a new queen sized mattress, saying that that is just not how you make your closest family member's sleeping arrangements, whining overdramatically that Lauren was neglecting her in the worst possible manner ever.

Lauren, on the other hand, reasoned that she came in without warning and that was the best she can come up with in such a very short notice. Besides, Dinah was only staying for a short while, and even if she did stay longer, she would only end up ditching Lauren for her new lady love most likely.

She is still a little bit salty that Dinah's first stop in New York is not her. Her only sister. She can't help but feel a tad bit betrayed by that.

But upon meeting Normani in a really nice Mexican cuisine restaurant, Lauren can't really blame Dinah. She'd probably do the same if she had the mindset to do so.

That girl is gorgeous as hell. Any person who has 20/20 vision should know that.

However, prior to this little dinner with her sister's gorgeous lady friend, Lauren had a little bit of fun with Camila and her cute little roommate.

She doesn't know the actual details about Camila's very cute three-month old roommate named Ethan and she is very curious as to what is the story behind those little blond curls and wide blue gray eyes. She wants to know what happened to the rude woman who opened the door to Camila's apartment unit when she first knocked and how are they related. But she refrained from asking the important questions to respect Camila's privacy. Everyone is entitled to it and it isn't right to invade it with impertinent questions or comments.

Besides, it sure seemed like a sensitive topic and if Camila isn't ready to tell her then there is no pressure.

Lauren set aside her gnawing curiosity or whatever preconceived notion she has, and enjoyed herself in all the fun that is teaching Camila the basics of changing diapers and washing up an infant. Because for real, if she hadn't come to Camila's rescue, there was going to be a toxic gas explosion in the building with that revolting stench from Ethan's diaper.

And also, Lauren just have to admit to herself, having an eyeful of a barely clothed Camila was indeed a sight to behold, a feast for her green eyes if you may. It was distracting enough to sway her mind from the actual issue at hand. But really, she was a little bit more intrigued by what mystery lies underneath that blue fluffy towel, a mystery she itched to unfold, especially after noticing that interesting outline of what appears to be an eggplant resting around Camila's groin area.

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