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It was a humid day in Los Angeles.I was out shopping with my friend Tony.

"Y/N, what do you think about this top?"I turned my attention towards her and examined it.
"It's cute as hell, you should get it."I smiled.
"You're right, this trip is definitely going to be one to remember."Tony exclaimed as she searched through the other racks.

We're going on a cruise in a few weeks.I'm pretty excited since me and T never really get to spend time together because of work or her spending endless hours with her boyfriend, Trevor.

"Come on, Y/N."I snapped out of my thoughts and joined Tony.We headed towards my house to wind down.I pulled into the gate and we got out to grab our things.We went inside and up the stairs into my room to try on the clothing that we purchased.

"Look at you, you're going to look absolutely stunning on that cruise, girl."Tony spun me around as I walked out my bathroom.I had on a tube dress that hugged every curve of my body perfectly.
"Thanks, boo, you're going to look way better, though."
"Oh, hush, you may get a man while we're there."She winked at me causing me to roll my eyes.
"I don't need a man, T.No guy is worth my time right now."I went back into the restroom to change into another outfit.
"Y/N, you haven't dated anyone in 4 years!Give at least one guy a chance to sweep you off of your pretty little feet."I walked back out of the restroom and looked at her like she was dumb.
"Tony, how do you expect me to magically "find a man" on this trip, hm?"She looked at me and shrugged.
"God works in mysterious ways, honey."She drank some of her sprite as I laughed.
"You're delusional."I walked back into the bathroom.
"You'll see."She yelled from outside the door.I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

I walked out the bathroom and down the stairs to find Tony eating my Oreo's.

"Thanks for raiding my food cabinet."I wasn't that mad because she's always here and she stays eating all my food.She's basically like my sister.
"You're welcome, loser."I laughed and snatched the pack from her and walked into the my living room.
"Hey!I was eating that."She followed close behind me.
"Oh, I forgot to care."I was literally dying at this point.

We died down and I put on our all time favorite movie ' To All the Boys I've Loved Before.' Watching it kind of makes me want a relationship.

Halfway through the movie, Tony fell asleep on my shoulder.I paused the movie, went in my nearby closet and grabbed her favorite blanket that she uses whenever she stays here and covered her up.I headed up the stairs and into my room to continue the movie.

I always cried at a certain point in the movie so always end up just turning it off.I was lonely, but I preferred it this way.I didn't want to get hurt.



Our departure date has finally arrived!!Tony came to my house around 8 in the morning.We packed her car up and headed towards the airport.We walked to our terminal, boarded our plane and got to Florida just in time.We got our rental car at the airport and drove to where we would be staying for the night.We pulled up to this super crummy hotel named the Raddison.We looked for other places online, but this is the best that they had.

"Girl, this isn't it."Tony looked around in disgust.
"T, its only one night, if you don't stop acting all bougie."I laughed as we grabbed our bags out of the car.
"There is a whole eaten up chicken wing on the ground, what the hell?!"All I could do was laugh.
"Tony, it is okay.Its not the glitz and glamor that you're use - "I stopped midway from screaming because I stepped on a whole garden snake.We both ran back to the car with our things in hand.

"Don't - say - a word."I said as we were catching our breaths.
" 'ItS oKaY, T.' 'ItS nOt tHaT bAd, T.'Shut yo ass up."I rolled my eyes at her and we both started to laugh.

We built up the courage to go to the hall leading to our room and we got there safely this time.We went inside and slept as best as we could.


We woke up the next day and got dressed up in our cutest outfits.

"We look absolutely amazing."Tony danced around in the mirror as I put my earrings in.
"We sure do."I sashayed a little as I applied on my lip gloss.

We went to pack up our things and headed towards the docking area.We pulled into the parking garage and got out to get our things out of the trunk.My adrenaline was already pumping through my body.I've never been on a cruise before.We were walking towards the dock until I saw someone that I didn't really want to see.

"Hey, baby."Trevor walked up to us and embraced Tony.
"Hey, my love!"She seemed super excited to see him, but I was beyond pissed.

She pulled me over to the side to talk to me.

"Why is he here?"I snapped at her as soon as we were alone.
"Look, Y/N, I wanted him to experience this amazing trip as well.I didn't tell you any earlier because I knew you wouldn't come."
"You're right, I wouldn't have.I'm gonna be third wheeling the entire time!"I was hurt more than anything at this moment.
"You won't have to worry about that."Tony walked back over to Trevor leaving me in confusion.
"Tony, what the hell do you mean by that?"She smiled up at Trevor and he waved his hand for someone to come over to us.

I turned to see who it was and I laid my eyes on Lucifer himself.It was someone that I couldn't even stomach.I didn't want to be near this bitch.

"I'm leaving."I went to grab my bags only for them to be in Trevor's possession.
"You're not going anywhere, little lady."Tony laughed as - it - walked up to us.I could feel him look at me.

"Hey Brent - Brent!"She ran up to him and hugged him.

This is going to be one long ass trip...

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