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I heard the door finally open and in came the ladies.I aimed just right and began to shoot the rounds off.I heard running up my stairs, but I also heard someone grunting on the ground.

I looked around for my bulletproof suit and slid into it.I made sure the coast was clear and ran up to the person on the ground.I removed their ski to reveal -

"T-Tony?"I said as I backed away.
"B-Baby, I'm so - sorry.I had to do it.It was - apart of a - job."Those were her last words before she stopped breathing.

I heard walking upstairs and ran up there.I took cover behind my couch as the other person roamed around my house.I stealthily followed them as they entered my garage.I rushed behind them and grabbed their arm as I pinned my gun against their head.


They obeyed my command and put their hands up.

"Take your fucking ski mask off."They moved slowly.

Suddenly, they swung the ski mask in my face causing it to hit my eye.I rubbed my eye as the person ran to the corner of my garage and picked up my metal bat.They swung and I ducked as fast as I could.I shot them in the foot and they instantly started screaming as they fell to the ground.I studied the girl's face and it was Brent's girl.

"What the fuck you doing breaking into my shit?"I asked as I aimed the gun at her forehead.
"I was getting rid of you....Brent....is my boyfriend...not yours."She said as blood started dripping from her mouth.
"What's your name?"I continued to interrogate her.
"None of your- "I shot her in her other foot causing her to scream again,"Its Raven.I've been with Brent for....6 months now."
"I was with him for almost two years, babygirl.You rushing into marriage with him isn't gonna change him.And, I don't fucking want him, he wants me.I can show you the texts and everything."I cocked the gun,"Now, here's the million dollar question : who do you work for?"
"Wha-What do you mean?"I cocked my gun again,"Wait, okay, damn.I...work for myself...I just needed a partner....that knew a lot about you so you....would be easily accessible....that's all."I shot her in her shins and she slowly blacked out.

I knelt down beside her and checked for a pulse.Luckily, she still had one, she was just in a state of shock.

I heard running coming from the kitchen.Jordan entered my garage and looked at the lifeless body on the ground.

"Are you okay?!"He came up to me and hugged me tightly.
"These two girls broke into my house....one of them was my best friend."I cried onto his chest.

He held me and called the police.They came and took Tony's body to the morgue and Raven's body to the nearest hospital.I wasn't charged since it was in self defense.I didn't mean to kill Tony, but she left me no choice.

Jordan went home and I stayed in solitude at my house.I went into my closet and took out my bag of weed that I stashed away for a really stressful day and today was that day.I rolled up a blunt and lit up.I smiled as I felt myself getting high.I went into the kitchen and poured myself up some Hennessy.I turned my Beats Pill on and IN THIS BITCH LIT by XXXTENTACION came on.I jumped around and continued to smoke in peace.

All of the sudden, my front gate buzzer went off and I grew annoyed.I looked at my phone to see...Brent at the gate.He was probably looking for that bitch.What am I supposed to do or say?!I was scared shitless right now.I turned the music off and put the blunt out before I opened my gate.I exited my house and stood in doorway until he parked.

"What do you want, nigga?"I asked, angrily.
"What you been doing?You smell like some loud."He said as he approached me.
"That means you're too fucking close.What the hell do you want, I got my nigga over right now."I mentally laughed.
"Where's his car?"He interrogated me.
"In the garage, bitch.I'm about to get some dick so you need to leave."I continued to toy with his feelings.
"I'm not going any fucking where.You high and probably drunk, I'm not letting no nigga take advantage of you."I smiled a little at his concern.
"I'm a big girl, I'll be fine."I turned around to walk back inside until he stopped me and picked up bridal style,"Put me down...now."I laughed to myself.
"No, I'm taking you to my place until you're sober again."
"Okay, daddy."I smiled at him as I caressed his face.

I missed him so much and it felt good to know that he still cared about me.I kind of found it weird that he didn't ask about Raven.Maybe he hasn't found out about her condition.

If she tries anything after she's better, her ass is mine...


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