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"What is it?"
"You promise not to get mad?"He asked.
"You're not in any position to be making requests right now.What is it?"I grew more impatient.
"Alright, so one of my old flings just told me - that she's pregnant.....and I may be the father."My heart broke.
"I knew that we wouldn't last."I said before I got up.
"Wait, Y/N, I said I may be the father, its not definite."
"I don't care anymore, Brent.If you are, that's between you and her.If you aren't, great.Just please - take me home so I can be with my son."
"You wanna leave so soon?"
"You ruined my day, so might as well."I said before I walked up to his car.
"Alright, man."He climbed into the car with me.

The ride was quiet.I was so disappointed in him, but more myself.I took him back, thinking that he changed.I should've listened to myself when he fucked up the first time.I wish Tony was still here so I could vent to her.I feel alone.I feel numb.I don't even want to love again.He has emotionally scarred me for life.Tears left my eyes as he approached my house.

"Y/N, look at me."I heard him say as he parked.
"Bye, Brent."I tried to get out of his car, but he grabbed my arm.

I couldn't fight my sadness anymore.I let my tears flow free.I yanked my arm away and ran inside of my house.

"You back so soo....honey, what's wrong?"Brent's mom said as I walked in.
"I'm fine, Mrs.Wood, you can go home.I just need a breather.But, thank you for your concern."I hugged her.
"Okay, baby.Get some rest."I smiled at her and walked into my living room.

I picked Chris up and took him upstairs into my bedroom.I laid Chris down and got dressed back into my night clothes.I began to bawl again until I heard yelling.I stopped and listened out for what it was.I went up to my window and saw Brent's mom yelling at him.She hit him with her purse and stormed towards her car.He looked pissed, but I was happy someone finally put him in check.I closed my curtains and went back over to my bed.

Chris laid on his cover and played with the toys dangling above him.He was so content with his life and that's how I intended on keeping it.He's all that matters to me now.



"Nothing compares to the emptiness we both share, And nobody cares like you do, You ask for my heart, but I didn't know where to start, But they don't think of you like I do."I sang along to Nothing Compares by The Weeknd.

I was home preparing some food for myself for the week.I was at peace with my life as of right now.Jordan came home for a break from modeling and he's coming over today!!I was so excited to see him.On the other hand, Brent and I have spoke, but he's not allowed to come over until he figures out what's going on with that other girl.

The doorbell rang and I jumped for joy.I ran to open it up.

"Oh, my goodness!!!Hey, Jordan!!"I screamed as I jumped into his arms.
"Hello, beautiful!!How have you been?"He asked me.
"I've been amazing.I'm just here chilling with Christopher."I said as I lead him into the kitchen.
"Hello, little guy."Jordan said to Chris as he played in his bouncer.

Chris smiled at him causing me to smile.He was such a good baby and he looked just like his dad.

"He's grown in such a short time!!"He said as he sat down on one of the chairs.
"I know!!"I said.
"Where's Brent?"He asked causing my smile to fade.
"He's not allowed to come here."
"Oh, here we go again.Why is there trouble in paradise this time?"
"While we weren't dating, he decided that he was going to have sex with other women, unprotected.So, now one of them told him that their pregnant and he may be the dad."Jordan's mouth dropped.
"You're kidding."
"I wish I was, Jo.He is just something else."I said as I finished up my food.
"How have you been dealing with it?"
"I've made peace with it.Whether or not he's the father, I don't care.I don't want him back."I said as I packed my fridge.

I turned back around and Jordan was making the - 'I don't believe you' - facial expression.

"I'm serious."I laughed.
"Whatever, let him come through that door saying - "I'm not the father" & you'll be all over him again.I know you very well, Y/N."I rolled my eyes.
"Not this time, sir."I said as I cleaned my counter.
"If you say so."He said as he walked over to Chris and played with him.

I wasn't going to take him back & I meant that.But - did I really?

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