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I got my car valeted and walked into the mass building.I walked down a long hallway and closer to the sound of music.I saw a set of stairs and figured that was the way in.I took a deep breath and began to make my way down the stairs.

I took a deep breath and began to make my way down the stairs

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I saw hundreds of people as people began to look my way.Everyone was dressed up so nicely and everything was super elegant.I smiled to myself as I saw Brent's mom.She looked speechless.

"Y/N, honey - you look stunning."I smiled at her.
"So do you, Mrs.Wood."She will always have a special place in my heart.
"Thank you, baby.Did you just get here?"
"Oh, yeah, my makeup took longer than I expected."I laughed.
"Its okay, I totally understand.My niece and Brent were rushing me earlier."I laughed.

Brent came over with a group of guys causing our conversation to cease.

"Brent, did you say hello to Y/N?"His mother had a stern tone.
"What's up, beautiful?"He hugged me & kissed my neck.
"Hi, Brent."I said.
"That's better.I'm going to go tend to our newest guests.Have fun, baby."She kissed my cheek and left.

I watched her walk away and then I tried to venture around the place.Before I could get anywhere, Brent grabbed my arm.

"Can I not go and talk to other people?"I said as I snatched my arm away.
"Not before you talk to me."He smirked as his posse laughed.
"What do you want?"
"You look fine as shit."I smiled.
"Thank you, Brent.You look great as well."
"Thank you, baby."I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself."Aye, I'm gonna talk to her for a second, I'mma catch y'all later."He said to his friends and they left.

I went over to the bar and poured myself up some Hennessy.It felt good to drink again.

"Thank you for inviting me here.This is such a beautiful turn out."I said.
"Oh, it was no problem, baby.If I knew that you would've showed out like this, I would've made you my date."He said as he looked around at my ass.
"Boy, please.We are just friends, don't do that."I laughed.
"Yeah, alright."He said as he took my cup and took a sip.
"We aren't getting back together, I want you to know that now."I said as I took my cup back.
"Says who?"
"Says me.Why can't we just be friends & see other people?You can fuck with your hoes again and I can go and find a guy that loves me & treats me right."He seemed like he was getting annoyed.
"I dare you to find another nigga."I laughed.
"What the hell could your scrawny ass do to him?"
"Y/N, don't play with me."I laughed at his anger.
"I'm sorry."I said as I caressed his chin.

He took my hand and kissed the top of it.I felt a tingle go through my body.It was weird.

"Attention everyone!!Now, is the couple's dance.Grab a partner and get to the middle of the floor!!"Someone said over the intercom.

I tried to walk away from Brent, but he grabbed my hand.We made it to the middle of the floor and For The Love of You by The Isley Brothers began to play.I swayed to the music along with Brent.He stared down at me as I smiled up at him.I laid my head onto his chest as the music continued.I could hear how fast his heart was beating, he must be nervous.I smiled to myself and continued to dance with him.

As the song ended, the other couples left the floor and it was just Brent and I in the middle.I straighten up and looked up at him.A Thousand Years by Christina Perri came on and I stood there super confused.Brent took my hands into his and looked down at me.

"Y/N, I do not know how it had been possible to live without your support and cheerfulness.I love dreaming with you because you understand me as nobody would ever understand.You encourage me to get up every morning, grind for us, and constantly become a better person.You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my everything.You know me better than anybody else.I promise to do everything I can to be a perfect match for you and to become a husband you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you.My heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say me yes and make me the luckiest man on Earth."He got down on one knee and pulled out a square box,"Will you please marry me?"

I was speechless, I was not expecting this at all.

"Y-Yes, Brent!!A million times, yes!!"I said as I wiped away my many tears.

He slid the beautiful ring onto my finger and stood up to kiss me.I hugged him tightly as tears continued to fall down my face.

I know what you're thinking, I wasn't planning on taking him back, but I wasn't going to embarrass him like that.And, I honestly didn't want to say no.I still love him - a lot.Even through all of the bullshit that we've been through.He's my soulmate.

I Can Only Imagine by David Guetta started playing and we all began to celebrate.

"Congratulations, Y/N!!"I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Jordan!!Oh, my god, thank you!!"I said as I hugged him.
"I told you that you would take him back."I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, hush, you know I couldn't say no."He laughed and started dancing with me.

"Congratulations to the new engaged couple, Y/N & Brent!!"Someone over the intercom said causing everyone to erupt in celebration again.

Brent came over and danced with me as people congratulated us.I was so happy, words couldn't describe how I was feeling right now...


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