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ᴘᴀʀᴛ 19

I woke up in pure sadness.I was so scared to tell Brent.He's gonna be a whole dad.He just started his music and everything and I don't want to ruin any chances for him.I feel like he's going to hate me now.

I did my hygiene and went back to my bed.I looked down at my phone and saw that I had 5 texts & a missed FaceTime call from Brent.I've been avoiding him for days now.I immediately broke down, I couldn't bare the guilt that I felt.

My crying was interrupted by my phone going off.I reached for it and answered as best as I could.I didn't even look at the caller ID.

"Hello?"I put on an act to sound happier.
"Hey, beautiful!!"I heard Jordan on the other end.
"Hey, Jordan.How are you?"I felt a wave of relief.I could not talk to Brent right now.
"I'm positively wonderful.How have you been?"
"I've been better."I said lousily.
"Aww, what's the matter?"
"I'm....just going through it right now."I said as I wiped a tear away.
"I'm on my way."He said before he hung up.

About 20 minutes later, my front gate buzzer went off.I saw Jordan and let him in.He came up to my door and I let him in.

"What's wrong, love?"He said as he approached me.

I couldn't even answer.I broke down and Jordan took me into his arms.He lead me to the couch and I laid on his chest and cried a river full of tears.Everything was becoming more real everyday since I found out that I was pregnant.

"Come on, Y/N.Sit up, tell me what's wrong."He sat me up and I wiped my face.
"I-I can't even say it.This is too embarrassing for me."
"Its just me, I've never judged you and I'm not gonna start now."He was right.
"You're right.Well, I went to the OBGYN a couple days ago because I was throwing up like crazy.I thought I had food poisoning.....but it turns out that I'm....I'm pregnant, Jordan."His eyes got super wide.
"Really?That's amazing.Why are so upset about that?Some women can't even get pregnant!!"He said, happily.
"I know that its good and all, but the guy that impregnated me - doesn't know."
"Ohhh, I see.Well, maybe -"He got cut off by my front buzzer going off.

I got up to check the cameras and saw Brent.My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"Who is it?"Jordan asked as he approached me.
"Its my ex, the one that got me pregnant!!"I said, scared out of my mind,"You have to hide.He's going to kill you if he sees you."
"Because I've been avoiding him for the past few days and he's going think that you're the reason why!!"
"Alright, I'll just say I'm your cousin or something."
"Okay, fine."I took a deep breath and opened the gates.

Brent sped into my driveway and got out of his car.He began to bang on my door.My heart started beating super fast.I did some breathing exercises and went to open the door.

"Baby, are you okay?!"He began to examine me.
"I'm fine, get off of me."I said as I moved over to let him in.
"Who's car is that in the driveway?"
"My cousin's."
"You didn't tell me that your family was in town."He said, happily.
"I didn't have to, its my house."I snapped at him.
"I was just saying, baby.Relax."He laughed.
"Jordan, come down here!!"He came jogging down the stairs.
"Hello, I'm Jordan and you are?"
"I'm Brent, what's up?"They began engage in their own conversation and I took that as an opportunity to go up to my room.

I went into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test just to make sure the doctors didn't make a mistake.I finished and waited about 10 minutes.I looked at it and saw 'Pregnant'.I grunted out of frustration and wrapped it into a napkin and put it away.

I went back downstairs and entered the living room, where the guys were.

"Y/N, I have to get going.Auntie is waiting for me at her house."He said as he hugged me.
"Okay, bye."

He exited my house and left Brent and I all alone.

"You alright, baby?You've been acting super strange today."He said as he followed me up the stairs and into my room.
"I'm fine, I'm just tired."I said as I went into my bathroom.
"I'm sorry, let's lay down."He attempted to kiss me and I walked away from him,"Damn, I can't even get no loving?"
"I would love it if you left.I have things to do tomorrow, so I need to get to bed early."I said as I began to to turn my lights off.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."I scrunched my face up.
"I'm -"I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.

I threw up and sat on the ground.I took deep breaths as I heard banging on the door.

"Y/N, open the door!!Baby, please!!You're not okay!!Please, open the door."He kept messing with the doorknob and banging on it.
"I'm fine, go away."I replied.
"Y/N, I will break this fucking door if I have to.I advise you open it."I rolled my eyes and got up to exit the bathroom.

I walked past him and went to brush my teeth.

"Y/N, what is going on with you?!You won't give me any affection, you won't talk to me, you throwing up all over the place.Like, come on!!"He said as he grew even more annoyed.
"I'm fine, Brent.You need to leave so I can go to bed.Come on."I said as I escorted him downstairs.
"I'll be back tomorrow."
"Alright."I said as I shut the door.

I covered up my fear with resentment.I should have never done that, but what else was I supposed to do besides tell him?

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