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Brent and I were dancing in the middle of the dance floor while we were surrounded by the many bodies around us.I was grinding on him and he was doing the same on me.Apart of me wanted to pull away, but a big part of me missed this.I miss us.I missed - Brent.I couldn't believe that I was dancing with my enemy right now.It felt so right, every single part about this felt right.I turned around to face him and there was nothing but lust in his eyes.I could feel myself getting a little turned on, but I knew how to contain it.I smiled at him and he returned the favor.He was still beautiful in his own way.

Our moment was interrupted by Trevor coming up to us.

"Hey, you guys, Tony threw up so we have to go and help her!!"We all ran back to their cabin and went into the bathroom to help Tony.

"Hey, baby, you okay?"I went into the bathroom and tied her hair up as I rubbed her back to soothe her.
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay.I just drank a little too much.I-I'm gonna brush my teeth and go to bed.We st-stop at Santa Barbara tomorrow."She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet as she stood up.
"Okay, take it easy for the rest of the night.Love you."I walked out of the restroom and into the bedroom.

I went into my bag and got out some Goody's powder and two motrins for her headache tomorrow morning and placed them on the table.

"Take care of her, Trevor.I'm going into my room."I hugged him with Brent not far behind, per usual.I walked out and entered our room.

"She must mean a lot to you."Brent said as we entered our room.
"Yeah, she's my everything.I would do anything for her."I smiled as I took my hoops off.
"That's dope, for real."I smiled at him one more time and went into the restroom to change into my sleeping attire.

I walked back out and Brent was already changed and covered up in bed.I grabbed my phone and walked out onto the veranda and sat down in one of the chairs to take in the crisp ocean air.I reflected on what I've been through in the past few days as I listened to my favorite song at the moment - Closer - Goapele .I was deep in thought until I heard the slide door open.I turned to see Brent coming to join me with a blunt in his hand.

"How did you even get that past security before we got on the boat?"I asked.
"I got that shit that you can't smell."He said as he licked the blunt.
"Figures, I thought you were going to sleep, though."
"I couldn't sleep knowing you were out here all alone, a shark could jump up and grab your ass."I laughed at his comment.
"And, what would you do if that actually happened?"I asked wiping a tear away from my eye.
"I would have to jump in the ocean and fight that bitch, what you mean?"I smiled at him as he passed me the blunt.

He was the first person to introduce me to smoking.

"You don't mean that."I passed the blunt back to him.
"Just watch."I watched as he took a drag from the blunt.

He always looked so sexy when he smoked, I don't know how.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."I didn't even realize how long I was staring until he said that.
"Sorry, I thought I saw a bug on your face."I lied.
"Okay, Y/N.For one, I know you're lying because I would have felt that shit.Two, I already know that you feeling me so you don't have to lie."I was a little taken back by his words.He wasn't lying, but I didn't want his head to get any bigger than it already was.
"You're tripping, I don't like you."He passed me the blunt and I took a long & slow drag.
"You're right.....you love me."I started coughing profusely.
"Excuse me?!"I covered my mouth with arm and gave him back the blunt.
"This was just like the first time that you had feelings for me.You acted as if you didn't for months at a time and then when I asked you the very last time you confessed to me how long you had feelings for me and then instantly after that we got together."I rolled my eyes.

He was acting as if he didn't also have feelings for me, I knew he didn't change from being such a narcissist asshole.

"Whatever.I'm going to bed."I got up to only have my arm pulled back.
"Come on, Y/N.Don't be like that, I was just telling you how it was the first time.Its okay to have feelings for someone."
"Yeah, when its the right person.You're not the one for me & you never will be."I snatched my arm back and went inside and climbed into my bed.He followed right behind, per usual.

"I think you're overreacting."He simply said as he sat on his bed and turned the light on in front of my face.
"I'm not talking about this anymore, Brent.I'm going to bed so I won't be tired tomorrow and I advise that you do the same."I flipped over to face the other side of the bed.
"Goodnight, Brent."He pulled all of my covers onto the ground and I instantly shot up.
"Why would you do that?!You're so annoying, I swear, I hate you so much, I already knew sharing a room with you was a mis-"He kissed me.Oh, my goodness.

I tried to push him off, but I couldn't.He had his arms wrapped around me as the kiss became more and more intense.I finally managed to bring myself to pull back.I looked at him with starstruck eyes.We were both silent but that kiss spoke volumes for both of us.

"Now - goodnight."He smirked at me and got into his bed while I continued to stand there.

I ended up ordering some new blankets and I laid in bed on my phone trying to pry what just happened out of my head.I put my phone away as I stared up at the ceiling.

Things are way different now...

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