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ᴘᴀʀᴛ 14

I sat up in my bed and looked around.I was super tired yesterday after I went shopping so I knocked out as soon as I was done putting the things away.I lousily got up and went into the bathroom to do my hygiene.I looked into the mirror and examined my lifeless face.

My mind was bombarded with thoughts about different things, especially....Brent.I wanted to be over him, I really did.But, he is just so adamant about being with me.No, no, no, he has a girl, I can't still have feelings for him.He still hasn't changed from before & I don't think he ever will.I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration.I just wanted to forget about his existence.

Suddenly, my phone went off snapping me out of my thoughts.I approached it to see Tony calling me.

"Hello?"I answered.
"Hey, Y/N.What you up to?"She greeted me.
"Nothing, I just got up.What you doing?"I answered as I went down the stairs.
"I'm actually about to get ready for this party tonight.You tryna come?"She sounded excited.
"It depends, who's party is it?"
"Its - uh - Trevor's mom's birthday party."She sounded a little hesitant.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Y/N.Its supposed to be a surprise for her so don't spoil it.I'll text you the address.See you there, baby!!"She instantly hung up leaving me kind of confused.

I shook my head and sat down on my bed.I scrolled through my phone and then it hit me : Brent hasn't harassed me with any texts, calls, DM's, nothing today.He usually does it and I ignore him, but today was different.I shrugged and threw my phone down so I could get dressed for this random ass party.

I heard my phone buzz and went over to check it.It was a text from Tony.

T ❤️ : the dress code for the party is anything that's white.if you're wearing any other color, you can't come in xo

I was even more confused.It was just a surprise party, what the hell?!I went into my closet and pulled out my favorite white dress :

It was just a surprise party, what the hell?!I went into my closet and pulled out my favorite white dress :

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I put it on and smiled at myself in the mirror.It was beautiful on me.I grabbed my things and began to make my way to the venue that the party was being held at.

I pulled up to a busy parking lot.The building was huge as hell.I parked and began to make my way into the building.Magnificent by Rick Ross & John Legend played through the halls.I finally made it to the room and looked around in awe.

I finally made it to the room and looked around in awe

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It was gorgeous.

"Y/N, I haven't seen you in so long!!You look absolutely beautiful!!"Brent's mom ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"I-Its so great to see you.Please, excuse me for just one second."I smiled at her once more and sped walked to the bathroom.

I walked in to see Tony fixing her makeup.

"Hey, baby!!You look so good!!"She hugged me tightly.
"Thanks, but, uh, why the hell is Brent's mom here?"I questioned her.
"Well, I- "

"Tony, you're needed at the venue."Someone came in and said.
"I'll be right there!!"She returned her attention to me.

"Okay, its not Trevor's mom's birthday.Its Brent's engagement party."
"What?!Why the fuck did you lie to me?!"I grew super angry.
"It was the only way that I was going to get you here.He has been harassing me for weeks now, you have no idea.Please, don't be mad at me, I'm sorry."I was beyond mad right now.
"I'm leaving."I said as I turned to leave the bathroom.
"The security isn't going to let you leave, Brent already told them not to."
"I'll call the cops then."I said as I began to exit the bathroom.
"Y/N, stop.Just stay for 30 minutes.Please, for me?"I rolled my eyes.
"30 minutes, your time starts now."She smiled and took my hand.

We walked into the venue and went to over to Tony's table.People were looking at me as my eyes explored the room.

"Brent!!You look amazing!!"Tony yelled as she ran into his arms.
"Thank you, sis.Thank you for also helping to decorate and everything, I truly appreciate it."I rolled my eyes and looked down at my  Watch as it vibrated.

I smiled to myself at the text that I just received.

Jordan 🥰 : hello, beautiful!!

Y/N 🦋 : hey, Jordan🥰.what you up to?

I looked back up and saw that Brent was staring at me as he spoke to Tony.I rolled my eyes and went to sit down at Tony's table.

I got on my phone and waited for Jordan's response.Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me.I turned around to see Brent.

"Can we talk outside?"He said into my ear.
"About what?"I snapped at him.
"Just come on."I stood up and walked out of the venue room with him.

"What?"I said.
"You look sexy as hell."He bit his lip as he stroked his chin.
"I know.Is there something that you need?"
"I just wanted to- "

"Brent, baby, where are you?"I heard a female voice.

A girl came out of the venue with a sash that read 'BRIDE' on it.

"I'm coming, can't you see I'm talking?"I looked at him like he was crazy.
"I was just trying to tell you that your mom needs you."She gave me an evil glare as she walked away.

"You know what, I'm leaving.Fuck you & this party.If you come back to my house or contact me again, I'm calling the cops and placing a restraining order against you.Goodbye, Brent."He grabbed my arm before I could leave.

I tried to fight him, but it was no use.

"Look at me, Y/N."He had a hint of alcohol on his breath.
"Let me go."
"Come on, stop being difficult.I know you still have feelings for me.I have feelings for you, too.You just won't understand the circumstances.Baby, please."I didn't say a word.He is a liar and always will be.

I felt my arm vibrate and my heart dropped.Brent turned my wrist to read the message that I received.

"So, this is the reason why you won't talk to me?You giving another nigga my pussy?"He said as he grew angry.
"Let me go, Brent!!"I continued to fight him.
"No, Y/N.You still love me, I know you do!!"I
"No - I don't!!"After I said those words, he finally let me go.

I looked back at him as I rubbed my wrist.He looked like he was about to cry.That was the first time that I've ever seen him like that.I ran towards the front doors and left the venue.

I should have never went to that party....

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