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"He proposed?!"My mom screamed.
"Yeah, I'm so happy.Are...you okay with that?"I said as she didn't seem as excited as me.
"I just don't want you to get hurt again, that's all."
"I know it won't because his mom would kill him.He's a soon to be married man now."I laughed to myself as I held Chris up.
"Okay, as long as your happy, I'm happy."She smiled at me.
"Thank you, Mom."I hugged her as she squeezed me.

I know that she only wants the best for me.I loved her for it.I let go and smiled at her.

My phone began to go off on my study desk.I handed Chris to my mom and went to answer it.

"Hello?"I said as I went downstairs.
"Hey, Ms.Wood."I heard Brent say, happily.
"Hey, baby.What you doing?"
"I'm just shopping for the wedding.You don't even know how I excited I am."I smiled at his excitement.
"I'm glad you're happy.I'm picking up my dress today.This all just feels like a dream."I said as I sat on the lawn chair in my backyard.
"I know.I'm finally getting to marry the woman of my dreams.I thank God everyday for this opportunity."I couldn't stop smiling.
"That's so sweet, baby.Let me call you back, I have to get to the bridal shop before they close."I said.
"Alright, bye, baby."
"Byeee."I said before I hung up.

I got up and left my house and drove to the bridal shop happily.

I walked in and told the worker my name.They went to the back and got my dress.It was absolutely beautiful.I couldn't wait to wear it for my dream wedding.



"Do you think that this looks good?"My makeup artist asked me as she faced me towards the mirror.
"Oh, my goodness.I look amazing, I love it!!"I said as I hugged her.
"Great!!Now, come into the dressing room, so we can get you dressed.

She helped me off of the chair and we went into the next room.

Today was finally the day of my wedding!!I was absolutely excited!!Brent & I have been talking about this day for months now.This all still feels like a dream.

"Hello, hello."I heard a male voice say.

Luckily, I was behind a room divider so he couldn't see me.

"Brent, you know its bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony."My cousin told him.
"I know, I just wanted to check on my queen."I rolled my eyes.
"I'm fine, baby.Go!!"I said.
"Alright, alright.Bye!!"I heard the door close and we continued to get me ready.

I got onto the podium and took a deep breath as they helped me slip into my dress.

I got onto the podium and took a deep breath as they helped me slip into my dress

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I smiled at myself in the mirror.I saw how beautiful I looked in the gown.I loved it so much.

"Girl, you look incredible!!"My cousin said.
"Thank you, girl.I've been so anxious to finally wear this."I smiled down at her.

I looked at the clock and the ceremony was about to start.

"Okay, let's get your finishing touches started now."My makeup artist made sure everything was good.

I pulled my veil down and I grabbed my bouquet.I looked at myself once more.This is it.

"Alright, come on, Y/N.Your mom is waiting out here!!"I sped walked out of the room and intertwined my arms with my mom's.

"How do you feel?"She asked.
"I'm a little nervous, but I'll be okay."I smiled at her.

We walked in front of the doors and everyone stood up.We began to walk down the aisle and I couldn't stop smiling at everyone.I looked at Brent and he was.....crying?I couldn't believe it, I honestly wanted to cry myself.I finally got to the podium and stood in front of Brent.

He removed my veil and I smiled up at him.I lightly wiped his tears off of his face and took a deep breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Y/N Y/LN and Christopher Brent Wood in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."The priest began.

He continued on and then it got to the vows.

"Do you Y/N Y/LN, take Christopher Brent Wood to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"I smiled up at Brent.
"I do, I do, I do!!"Everyone began to laugh a little.

"Do you Christopher Brent Wood, take Y/N Y/LN to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"
"Hell yeah, I do."I rolled my eyes and laughed along with everyone else.

We exchanged rings and waited for the big moment.

"By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.You may kiss your bride."We kissed passionately in front of everyone.

I smiled as we walked down the aisle together.Everyone was following us into the after party area.

Everyone was following us into the after party area

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I went to change into my after party dress :

I went back into the after party room and everyone was having a great ass time

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I went back into the after party room and everyone was having a great ass time.I smiled at the sight.

"Hello, Mrs.Wood."I felt Brent hug me from behind.
"Hello, Mr.Wood."He kissed my neck.
"How does it feel to be married?"He asked as he took my hand and lead me into the party.
"Absolutely amazing."I kissed him.

Everyone surrounded us and congratulated us on everything.I took Chris out of my mom's arms and kissed his forehead.He smiled at me as cameras flashed everywhere.I smiled up at Brent as he took Chris out of my hands.I had my boys, my family and my real friends here to support me.Everything was absolutely perfect right now.

I'm officially Mrs.Wood...

The End

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