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My names Sadie Ann Curtis, I'm sixteen almost seventeen and have two older brothers and one younger brother. Darry is the oldest I'm not super close to him since i rebel half the time and that drives him crazy. I'm closest with Sodapop he's my twin and he's really also protective but that's okay. He treats me like I'm his best friend most of the time. Then there's Ponyboy. I can never find common ground with him. We're completely opposite he would rather stay in cuddle up with a book while I'd rather go out and cause trouble. My brothers and I are apart of a gang consisting of us four and four others. First we have Steve Soda's best friend and he also loves cars. Steve's also still in school unlike Soda. Then there's Johnny he's Pony's best friend both of them are the two quietest and two youngest. Then there's Two-Bit. Two is the funniest guy I've ever met. He goes to school just to get a kick out of it. His real names Keith but no one dares to call him that. Then last but certainly not least is my best friend Dallas Winston. Dallas and I cause trouble together all the time we are the only people we are completely open with though. We've been through the thick and thin together. Honestly this past year I've been starting to fall for him but no one knows about this especially since I'm still in this relationship I've been trying to get out of for four months. His names Brandon and he's been pretty abusive. But only Dallas knows that and Dally threatened to skin him but I had to make sure Brandon wouldn't hurt him.

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