Chapter one: Toxic

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I woke up to my brown hair all tangled in my face. I moved my hair and looked around my room to find my clock. Once I finally landed my eyes it read 10:30. I instantly ran downstairs to see Darry just sitting in his chair.
"Darry, why didn't you wake me for school!" I exclaimed Darry looked at me in confusion then started in a sassy tone, "Maybe cause you dropped out last year." Oh that's right. I can be so clueless sometimes, which is one of the many reasons I dropped out. My twin Soda dropped out to work and help pay bills. I dropped out and occasionally went to work but mostly I did the shopping, cooked dinner, and cleaned. I finally responded, "Oh that's right. Sometimes I forget I guess." I shrugged and headed to the kitchen, "do want anything to eat Darry?" Darry replied, "No not at the moment Sadie"
I headed upstairs not to long after rushing up. I decided to get dressed. I threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, a very small white crop top, and a leather jacket. I barely did my makeup just the basic foundation and mascara and a light lipstick. I then put my hair into two Dutch braids. Then, I went back downstairs to see Soda, Steve, and Darry leaving for work. That means I was gonna be home by myself the other person that would stroll by would be Dally. Everyone else has school or work. But Dallas was probably with some girl or whatever. Then I remembered maybe Brandon would stop by. Typically he skipped school. This would be the perfect time to end it with him once and for all.
I then heard a knock at the door. I got up knowing it was Brandon he was literally the only person that would knock. I opened up the door to be slapped by him.
"That's it!" I screamed. Brandon backed himself up and looked in shock, "What do you mean sweetheart?" He said like he was innocent. "I said we're done! I've been wanting to break this toxic relationship for a long time now!" He looked even more shocked and I continued, "I've been trying to break this off four months now please just leave." He then started, "Is this because of Dallas?" He wasn't completely wrong I just wanted out he hit me on occasion and I liked Dallas but he doesn't have to know that. "No! It's because you've been hitting me for the sixth months we've been together!" I yelled louder then I've yelled before. He yelled back, "Fine consider us over! And never talk to me again!" I sent a sigh of relief as I yelled one last time, "Fine!" I'm glad that's done but I'm still sad it's my first real relationship over.
I sat on the couch waiting for someone to come home. And almost as they were on que I hear the front door burst open. I look to see who it is and it's the one and only Dallas Winston. He instantly noticed I was crying and fast walked over by me,
"Who did this to you!" He commanded to know. "Don't worry I broke it off with Brandon and I have no clue why I'm crying I hated him!" He looked relieved and then he said, "Good I never liked that douche" he sat down beside me as pony, Johnny, and Two came in from school. Pony went upstairs, Johnny sat on the opposite couch from dally and I, and Two instantly grabbed a beer and sat on the floor to watch Mickey. I started staring at dallys jacket he had something shiney coming from one of his top pockets. He noticed I was staring and he looked down and yanked it out of his pocket. "I finally broke up with that two-timing cheater of a girlfriend." He rushed up and threw the necklace that had an s and d on it in the trash. "It's okay Dal. Neither of us deserved those idiots!" I was the only one aloud to call him Dal. He hated when anyone else called him that. He then replied, "Oh trust me doll I'm not upset. I'm the furthest from being sad. I hated her!" I nodded. I hated that idiot too. If I could be with Dallas I definitely wouldn't go and cheat like that idiot did. Dally sat back down and just watched TV. He didn't seem to thrilled anymore. Great.
More people started coming until everyone was all gathered in the living room. We decided to have a movie night and dinner to celebrate us being out of toxic relationships. Well that wasn't the real reason but that's what I liked to believe. The seating arrangement while watching went like this. Darry was in his armchair, I was sitting on the end of the couch while I put my legs on Dallys lap since he sat next to me, Two was on the floor in front of us along with Johnny and pony, and soda and Steve were on the other couch. While watching the movie I sat up and rested my head against Dally. I felt him look down and smirk. He began to play with my hair. Ugh, why can't he like me like I like him. I then drifted off to sleep.
I was woken up to the lovely sound of Two-Bot screaming, "Sadie it's only 9 o'clock!"
I got up and smacked him with my pillow. He rubbed his pretending to be in pain. "Ow Sades you really hurt me this time. Now you have to suffer the consequences." The gang occasionally calls me Sade's. Because they all like nicknames. I got up and instantly ran for the kitchen.
"Oh Sadie you know you can't stay there forever." Two squealed. Ugh he was right I slowly came out of the kitchen then I tried to run to Dal. But I was suddenly in the air over Twos arms. "Two-Bit Matthews let me down!" I exclaimed. "Never!" He protested. I then got an idea only Two would hate. "Put me down or I'll use your real name" He looked shocked, "you would never!" He sarcastically said with pain. "Kei-" I was instantly placed on Dallys lap.
"Hey doll." He smirked. Then he whispered "can I talk to ya outside." I followed him outside as he started, "Listen Sadie-" then Dallas was cut off by a death pitch scream coming from the living room.
We ran inside to see a little Johnny passed out on the floor. "No johnny!" Was the last words I got to say before he was instantly rushed out of the house and into Darry's truck.

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