Chapter Sixteen: New Addition

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         Dally was driving like a maniac. Every single turn I would have to hold on to the handle. But we made it there really quick. As we were being rushed into the room I was wondering what gender they would be, two girls, two boys, or one of each. I was kind of hoping for one of each but I'll be happy with whatever. Honestly, now that im here I don't know why we rushed here we have so much time to wait and yet here we are speeding to get here.
         "I'm boredddd" I spoke dragging the end. 
          "Well what am I supposed to do. Why don't you take a nap love?" He suggested.
          "Your just saying that because you want to take a nap too!" I exclaimed.
           "Well you're not wrong a nap sounds great after working an eight hour shift and only get two hours of sleep." He said sleepily.
             "Fine." I said "will you lay with me?" I asked.
          "Is that even aloud?" He asked.
          "Who cares now come here!" I demanded.
           Dally walked over and laid down in the bed barely big enough and practically placed me on top of him so he could lie down. He held onto me and we both drifted to sleep hoping not to be bothered.
           Thirty minutes later I woke up to the horrible pain. I shot up and held my stomach. Dally then shot up, "what's wrong?" He questioned.
           "I think I'm having a contraction!" I said loudly while breathing in and out. Dally instantly grabbed my hand and was trying to steady my breathing. Soon a nurse came in.
           "Hello my name is mrs.Clark but you can call me Linda." She continued, "I see you are having your first contraction. Was it bad?" She asked me.
          "Well it wasn't great!" I said laying down and rolling my eyes.
          "You have six men waiting outside would like them to come in the one I was speaking with is named Darrel." She told me.
          Dally answered, "oh yeah bring them in!"
          The nurse left then brought in the gang. Two came next to me and handed me a little Minnie and handed dally a Mickey. "Here you guys go. I'm so excited!"
          "Congrats guys." Johnny said quietly from the back of the rooms
          "Aw come here Johnnycakes!" I said. He walked over to Dally and I and we shared a small group hug. Then everyone said congrats and joined the hug.
Two hours later-
         Labor is the worst. I've been having the worst contractions and can only eat ice chips. The doctor then came in and she gave me the best news I heard all day, "it's time to deliver your babies."
        I was pushing and dally screamed "it's a boy!" He cheered and continued to hold my hand. The next one came two minutes later, "oh my it's a girl! We got one of each!" He cheered them hugged me.
        The doctor took the babies over to wash them. "Do you guys have names planned?"
        I nodded then told her, "Ellie and Ethan." We wanted to keep the names basic and share the first letter the same so we've been coming up with multiple options and that's the one that stuck.
       Dally walked over holding Ellie and I got handed Ethan. Ethan had Dallys big brown eyes and they were just so cute. Dally sat down on the bed and Ellie had Dallys brown eyes as well but they were a bit smaller like mine. With the little hair they both had it seemed to be closer to my hair color it was a lighter brown compared to Dallys almost black hair.
         They were the cutest little things I've ever seen. The gang came in and they each took turns holding Ellie and Ethan.

Two years later-
          The twins are two years old now and Dally and I got married last year as soon as I turned eighteen. Both of them are already little trouble makers. Ellie is the bigger trouble maker she likes to hit her brother during breakfast and lunch. The twins are in the second biggest room that's right next to our bedroom.
          Today was an exciting day, we were going to tell the gang and the kids that were expecting once again hopefully only one this time. I've been pregnant for three months but we decided it'd be best if we waited to tell like the doctor suggest.
         The gang was watching the kids today not because we asked because they asked. We   walked through the door, "guess what?" Everyone looked confused, "we're pregnant!" They all cheered and the twins looked confused.
         "Well mommy and daddy are going to have another kid that means you guys will have another brother or sister!" Dally crouched down and told them.
         Ethan looked happy but Ellie didn't seem too thrilled, "gross!" She yelled. And although she might hate them I'm excited. Man my life's perfect.
PLEASE READ!!! I have a few other books posted and if you finished this book and you enjoyed it please go read my other ones

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