Chapter Three: Doll

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       After the game of life Dally and I went downstairs to join the gang while watching some scary movie. I wasn't the biggest fan of scary movies. I was just fine during them a couple of jumps and maybe one slight scream. It wasn't until I was going to sleep that I was scared. But we watched the movie anyway. Dally seen I was getting scared so he scooted closer and put his arm around me. Darry shot him a glance of pure hatred. Dally quickly moved his arm.
         The movie was over very quickly and people were getting extremely tired. Steve Two-Bit and Johnny went home, Soda and Pony went to their room and Darry went to his room as well. That left Dal and I.
        "Hey doll why don't we get out and go cause some trouble?" I really wanted to but Darry would kill me. Oh whatever I only live once and what Darry what know won't hurt him. Right?
        "There's a convenient store two streets away we haven't been to in awhile?" I announced.
          "That's the Sadie I know." He messed up my hair and got up. I put on my big jacket and converse then made sure I had my switch. We walked out the door heading straight for the little shop. We were both kicking rocks on the way there. It's like we had so much to say but we couldn't. At least for me. How am I supposed to tell him I like him? That's right I don't it's Dallas we're talking about. Ugh I hate boys.
        "Um doll were here." Dallas nudged me. "Well what's the game plan Sades"
       "I've got an idea." I looked in, " since we're dealing with someone older neither of us can flirt. But that doesn't mean you and I can't flirt. If you know what I'm saying?" He looked in then looked at me.
       "That's the plan." We walked in and Dal was leading me with his hand to the back. We stopped by the sodas and started to kiss. While we were kissing Dal shoved some coke into my jacket. The store clerk noticed Dally and I in the back.
       "Hey you two no kissing in my store." Dal smirked at me. "Okay we'll take our business elsewhere." We stormed out holding hands again. And once we got far enough I pulled out the two cokes Dal managed to place in my coat.
      We began to walk back to my house. We sat on the porch and we opened our cokes. "So Dal are you ready to tell what you were gonna tell me earlier?" He hesitated to speak back
      "Only if you tell me about your dream." He grinned. I sat there not knowing how to say what I had a dream about. I mean it was just a dream. Well I guess I'll just leave out some parts.
      "Well for starters it was a nightmare not a dream get it right." I chuckled. "Well we were outside talking and it was very normal and then we hugged and as we were hugging Sylvia came and stabbed you in the back and you died in my arms." A small tear fell from my cheek since even the thought of Dal dying always makes me upset. He soon noticed I was crying
        "Awe baby girl it was only a nightmare. I'll always be here." He then hugged me and I started to smile once again.
        "Okay okay enough about me will you finally tell me what you were gonna tell me." He sighed
       "Well I guess a deals a deal," he started, "Sadie listen I really enjoy being your best friend. You know what it's pointless." He sighed once more. Was he gonna say he like me. I may as well tell him.
         "Dally can I tell you something?" I asked. "Of course sweetheart you can ask or tell me anything." Ugh why is this so hard? Maybe I'll just do it in the morning. I have an idea!
         "Dal will you spend the night? I'm still a little spooked from the movie." I lied.
         "Of course I will Doll I'll just be on the couch if you need me." He said getting up and heading inside.
          "No dal, will you come to my room?" He nodded and we walked up. I was already in my pajamas so I just laid down and moved over so there was room for him. He took off his shirt and got in. He cuddled me and then I drifted off to sleep.
         I woke up at six a.m. ew how ugly. I looked over and seen Dally lightly snoring. I laid my head on his chest and drifted back to sleep.
        I woke up once again but this time slightly later. It was now 7:30 and I seen Dal shift around and he was mumbling something. It took him another five minutes to sit up.
      "Dal I need to tell you something once and for all but it will have to wait till lunch." He rubbed his eyes all sleepily.
     "We're going to lunch?" He asked
     "Yes we are. Now get your butt ready." He continued to put on his shirt then he went to the bathroom.
     While he was in the bathroom, I closed my door and picked out a yellow tube top and high waisted light wash shorts. I threw on my outfit and went to the bathroom after seeing Dally going to the living room. As I was brushing my teeth I heard some oooing from the living room. Is everyone already here and what are they oooing about.
        I slowly walked out of the bathroom to see two-bit and Dally and then I heard Two say "wait you finally asked her out?" Oh no he has a date I was hoping this lunch would've let me ask him out.
      "No she asked me and it's not like that I don't think. I hope it is. But anyway be quiet she could hear you." He demanded. Oh my God they were talking about me.
       I strutted downstairs all confident after what I just heard. Dals mouth dropped the slightest but it dropped. "Shall we Dal?" He nodded and we headed out.
       We got to the Diner and headed for our booth in the back we always sit in. It was a normal little lunch we had. I tried multiple times to ask but everytime it just didn't fit. So we continued and he walked me home. It was around midnight but Darry would more likely be chill since I told him I'd be home by 12:30.
        Dally stood there then he took his hand and moved a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Listen folk I have to admit something to you which i was hoping I could've done during lunch-" he whispered. He looked me in the eyes and continued a little louder, "I like you doll I've liked you for some time now. And I guess what I'm saying is will you be my girl?" Oh my God he asked me I was thinking I would have to ask him.
          "Of course. I was planning on doing the same thing. I've liked you for some time now too." We stood there and and gently left a little kiss on my lips.
           "Tomorrow you and me doll on a real date" he whispered again. "Night doll sweet dreams." I obviously blushed.
         "Night Dal be safe. I'll miss you." He smirked then opened the door for me. After that he wandered down the street probably having no clue where to go.

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