Chapter Five: Too Good to be True

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       He led me up to his room and as we got i there he instantly started to kiss me. I felt myself tensing up but I kissed back. He pushed me gently against the door and I stopped kissing him. I slid underneath the arm and he placed on the door.
       "What was that not good enough?" He asked with a slight grin.
       "Oh trust me you're an amazing kisser but Dal it can't go any further than kissing." He sighed and walked over to me.
       "Alrighty doll I'll wait for you. But we could still continue that kiss. Just no teasing you got it?" I nodded.
        He walked closer and closer to me until our faces were not even an inch apart anymore. He brushed his lips against mine and then rested his forehead on mine. God why is he so irresistible? I could feel his hot breath against my face. I already knew I was blushing no doubt about that.
        "You're such a cutie when you blush like that." He breathed heavily. He moved his left hand from my waist to my face. "I mean your always cute," he brought his other hand up to my face and rubbed his thumb gently across my cheek. "But man you're almost irresistible when you blush like that." He let out one last heavy breathe before he continued to kiss me.
       This one wasn't so intense it was more soft and gentle. Almost like I was a delicate flower. He gently held my face as we continued to kiss. I mumbled out, "You're so perfect."
       He stopped kissing me instead he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and shoved his face into my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoved head into his shoulders. We stayed there for ten minutes at least. Just silent.
         I broke the silence, "Dal can I sleep here tonight you know so we can cuddle."
         "Of course I would love to cuddle with my favorite person." He walked to his drawers to find one of his shirts he threw at me, "I'll go wait in the hall while you change." I nodded.
        I threw the shirt on then went to the hall to get him. He came in then took off his shirt and we both laid in bed and cuddled up to one another. He broke apart the cuddle then grabbed my hand took the ring off of his and slipped it on my finger.
       "I love you Dal" I mumbled. He sat up instantly and I joined him.
       "You what?" He seemed excited but shocked as well.
      "I know it's early and all but I love you I want you to be my forever." I said with a big smile.
       "Doll I love you too!" He kissed me again and this one was a mix of the last two it had its passion but it was also gentle.
       I managed to mumble in between kisses, "I want you Dal." He stopped once more.
       "Are you sure you just said you wanted to wait." He exclaimed. 
       "I'm sure." I said and after I said so both of us grew big smiles across our faces.
       The next morning:
       I woke up to Dals light snores. Man he's perfect. He looks so innocent in his sleep almost like he hasn't aged a bit and he's still a small kid. He looks like the kid that would watch sunsets when he's sleeping. But when he's awake and you look into his beautiful deep brown eyes you can tell so much more.
        He started to slightly move. Then he was up his eyes shot open and he looked worried but then he seen me lying on his chest and that worried expression instantly changed to a big smile.
       "Morning sleepyhead. How'd you sleep my love?" I asked staring up at Dally.
       "Great doll. How about you? Do your regret anything?" He asked with a sort of anxiousness in his voice.
       "I slept amazing. And definitely no regrets." I said with a wink. "Now let's get going before the gang questions. I mean not that I care if I get in trouble or if they find out about us I'm just not in a mood to answer thousands of questions you dig?" He nodded.
         I got up and put one of his shirts on but threw on some of my jeans. He put on a shirt and some jeans. Then we both did our hair and brushed our teeth then walked out of the door.
        "Dal we still need to tell the gang about us."
        "Yeah I know. Let's just do it when we get there and everyone's then get it done and over with." I nodded.
        We walked up to the door and barged right in everyone was already there and sitting in the living room besides Steve who was in the doorframe of the kitchen.
         "Dallas and I are dating." I blurted out without even saying hi or anything. I looked around the room to see and hear two-bit and steve hollering and clapping. Johnny has a slight smile on his face. Ponyboy looked disgusted then mumbled, "That's just great one of my best friends and my sister. Lovely." Soda had a mixed emotion he seemed happy with a slight touch of anger. And Darry well it's Darry. He started to get real overprotective.
        "You two? You mean you Mable and him Dallas?" I nodded. "Well you two can meet me in my room!" We stood there and looked at each other. "Did I stutter? Now!" We walked there very fast and sat on his bed. He walked in and stood there.
        "Dallas, Mabel, you two are both old enough to make decisions on your own but I'm still Mabel's older brother and I take care of you so I have some ground rules." I looked at him.
         "Well have to heat these rules before we can agree." Dallas nodded then held my hand.
         "Okay starters neither of you can raise or afford a baby so don't do anything that can make a baby. You hear?"
         "Uhh well dar-" Dallas cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
          "Well I guess we already broke that one." Darry's face got real red you could tell how mad he was. "Don't worry we used protection." There was the slightest sigh  of relief out of Darry.
           "Well I guess you two better be safe." He sighed at what he had to say. "Okay well I don't want you two talking or being inappropriate in front of ponyboy."
           "Now that we could possibly do." I said.
           "I guess I can watch what I say." Dallas mumbled.
           "Next let me know if you decide to sleepover at Dals or if there's even the slightest chance. Okay?" He asked.
           "I can try." I said with a bit of worry I probably won't be able to follow that.
          "You two have fun and don't go breaking hearts." Darry smiled the patted us on the back. Then he walked out of the room.
          "Not as bad as I thought." Dallas said.
          "Seems to good to be true." I said.

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