Chapter six: Cutie

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              A couple hours later:
             Dal and I were sitting downstairs with the gang after that long talk with Darry. He scared me so much but I'm supposed to be tough right? It was becoming late. Almost 9:30. And Johnny and two-bit left already. Kinda early but whatever. Dally was whispering in my ear so Ponyboy couldn't  hear what he had to say. that Ponyboy is lucky Dal can whisper I'm sure he doesn't want to hear this.
       I stood up and walked into the kitchen where Darry was doing dishes. "Hey Dar can Dal spend the night?" He have me a glare no human should ever be able to see. In return I gave him the look that always defeated him. Guilt.
        He sighed frustrated, "fine but I better not hear anything!" I giggled and nodded.
        I then walked back over to the couch and sat on Dallys lap I started to whisper in his ear and then Darry came out so I pretended as if I was watching TV. "Hey guys I'm- well we're going to bed." I said standing up. Darry gave me a glare. I shrugged it off and gave him a little smirk.
          We started walking to my room and we both heard footsteps coming our way and it wasn't each other's. We kept walking to my room. We went in I sat on my bed but Dallas sat on the chair in front of my desk. "Hey can I look in this?" That was my journal mostly about him for the last couple years. I started to blush.
        "Uh sure I mean there should be no secrets between us." I felt my face get way more red once he opened. He stopped before he read it then looked at me.
        "Oh I see is this about me?" He chuckled. At this point I didn't think I could more red but I guessed wrong. "That's cute doll." My blush went down a little bit I smiled to myself.
       As Dal flipped through the pages he would laugh to himself, smile, and one time I caught him blush. "Hey this story is so-" Dally was cut off by Darry coming through the door.
      "Yes Darry?" Does he think we're doing stuff?
      "Just checking in on you two." He said.
      "We don't need to be checked on Darry we're not seven!" I raised my voice the tiny bit and I think I'm going to regret it.
      "First off young lady don't raise your voice at me second off I don't want pony walking in on you two." He yelled not even trying to be quiet.
       "Well we would lock the door." Dallas mumbled and I slapped him in his shoulder.                 
        "What Dally means is we don't have to be on top of each other all the time! We can separate ourselves and have conversations thank you very much Darrel." I rolled my eyes and shoved him out the door. "I'll see you at breakfast." Dally laughed as I pushed Darry out.
         "What?" He shrugged. "Why are you laughing?" I ran over and jumped on him so I was now sitting on his lap.
         "You just pushed a twenty year old man that's like half of your size out the door and didn't flinch once." He hugged me. "Very very cute in my opinion."
         "Aweee your cute yourself."after I said that His smile went into a what do you mean kind of look.
         "Did you just call me cute?" He said pushing me away from him a little bit so he could see my face.
         "Yah so?" I questioned.
         "Well doll I'm not cute. I prefer words like attractive, good-looking, or like handsome. But never call me cute. That's for . like girls and stuff." He said not in an angry tone but also not a happy one either.
         "Who's gonna make me?" I said looking at him wide eyed. "Is the tough little baby gonna force me?" I smiled at him with an attitude.
        "I'll make you stop. And I'm no baby either. I think your mixing us around." He said trying to make a good comeback.
        "Awe what a cutie!" I squealed.
        "That's it!" He exclaimed and before I knew I was being launched on the bed. He started to tickle me. "Say I'm not cute!"
          "I would b-but I ca-can't l-lie!" I said in between laughs.
          "I won't give you a kiss for the rest of the day unless you say I'm not cute." He demanded.
          "That's probably more of a punishment for you than me honey." I smirked.
         He then put me over his shoulder and took me out of my room. We walked through the living room and still seen Steve, soda, and Darry still up and before we could get out the door there were some questions.
         "Where are you two heading?" Darry asked.
         "Don't worry about it we'll be back in like five minutes. Maybe ten I don't know yet." Dallas said.
         He then ran out the door and started walking towards the lake. "Dallas what are you doing!"
          He then dangled me a little above the lake. "I'll throw you in unless you say I'm not cute." He is still demanding for that answer.
         Looks like I'm getting wet. "Aww you're such a little cutie!" He was not happy with that answer. He threw me in the lake. I thought I would hit a rock or something but I didn't. I came right out and almost pushed him but he started running back to my house.
        "Who's cute now?" He mocked.
        "Still you, you idiot!" I mocked back and chased after him. I finally caught up to him right before my house he gave me a little kiss on the forehead and we walked inside.
        "Woah hey Sadie why are you wet?" Soda asked getting up from the couch.
        "I threw Sadie in a lake." Dallas said like it was nothing.
        "Uh why?" Steve exclaimed.
        "I called the little princess cute."I said in a baby voice while pinching his cheeks. "Turns out He doesn't like that very much" I shrugged.
        "No, no he doesn't." Dally said talking about himself.

A/u note: sorry this is super short and that's there not really much interesting stuff in this chapter but my plans for the next one we'll hopefully make up for this. Thanks for reading❤️ stay gold❤️

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