Chapter Fifteen: Here We Go

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~One month later~
     Today was the day we would finally find out! This past month has been interesting. Dally and I both got jobs. He is a bartender at Bucks and I work inside the store at the Dx.
         It's been different. Apparently people didn't know Dally and I were engaged yet alone dating. I've been hit on a lot and I told Dally there names and I'm pretty sure none of them will bother me ever again. It's sort of been the same for Dally but Dally knows how to shrug off Girls or start a fight with the girls boyfriends cause half of the times they have one and their just drunk.
        Living in our house has been great and we've been having a lot of fun. We go on a date night every Friday and sometimes other days too. We still go to my brothers house all the time.
       Anyways, today Dally and I go to the doctors. I missed my period last week and all of the pregnancy test I've been taking all come out with different responses. So we decided we would just settle it once and for all.
       I was sitting on the chair and it just all seemed too familiar. The last time I was in this room I found out I was pregnant. Then a month later I wasn't. It went by too quickly. If I'm pregnant this time I can't lose it i just can't I wouldn't be able to take it. I began to cry and Dally turned around and opened his mouth to say something but instead he embraced me in a hug.
       "Hey hey what's wrong?" He asked concerned.
        "I was just thinking what if it's like the last time? I can't go through that again baby." I said practically sobbing. He wiped away part of the stream going down my face and looked at me in the eyes.
         "We have our whole life baby it'll happen." He said with hope in both his voice and his eyes.
         The doctor walked in five minutes later and didn't have any expression on her face. It began to worry me typically doctors are excited.
         "Well I have some good news. You guys are pregnant!" She said with a smile.
         "Is there something wrong L-Lily?" I asked looking at the name tag placed on her scrubs.
         "Nothing is wrong miss Curtis but the doctor request we do an ultrasound." Lily trailed off, "we typically do them so don't get worried. We just want to check on the baby."
         She told me to lift my shirt and then she rubbed this very cold goo across my stomach. She waved this wand thing over it and then my baby appeared on the screen very faintly. They were so tiny.
        "Okay miss Curtis and mr Winston as you see right there that is your baby but if you look over to the right that is your other baby. Congratulations your having twins." She said. "Now I'll give you guys a moment." Lily smiled then walked out of the door.
         "Wait hold up twins?" Dally said. "Jesus I probably won't even be able to take care of one how in heaven's name can I take care of two? Two! That means that once they get older they can over-" he rambled to the point where I had to cut him off.
           "Dallas Winston stop! You're freaking me out. We can do this. We're not in this alone remember we have each other and some help from the gang. We got this." I said with a big smile.
           "Oh my God we're gonna be parents!" He got and lifted me up then spun me around. At the end we shared a passionate kiss. "We're gonna be parents." He whispered.
          The doctor came in and handed us a picture of our baby. The last time we came here it was still to early to even see the baby. Even now it's kind of too early to see the baby I guess.
          We decided to stop by at the Curtis house well my brothers haha and show them the ultrasound. Everything much smoother this time everyone was happy and we all shared the warmest group hug ever.

Eight months later-
          Being pregnant has been great until last week. I've now been pregnant for nine months and this last month is literal torture. I'm so far two days past my due date and it's horrible. I can barely sit down or stand up anymore. Everything makes me nauseous like everything. My feet are so swollen it hurts to walk from my room to the bathroom and it's literally seven steps.
        Dallys been a big help though. He's been running to the store at 3 a.m to get me whatever food I want. He helps me up because he knows it's a struggle now. He runs my back because it's been hurting a lot. He cuddles me all of the time. Sometimes he just sits there and feels the babies kick and talks to them it's just too cute.
        It's now 9 o'clock and I just woke up. I start to stand up when I feel a gush of liquids. "Crap." I whispered. "I have to call dally." Dally works from 1 a.m to 10 a.m right now because he wants to be with me in the day time. He can stay up the whole day and somehow manage to have energy although he does take an hour nap when he comes home and he goes to bed at 10 p.m.
         I rushed downstairs to the phone and dialed Bucks number. *ring ring* "hello this is Merril" buck answered.
         "Hi hello buck um can you send Dally to pick me up tell him it's his fiancé and I'm in labor k thanks bye." I hung up and waddled up the stairs and over to my bed and grabbed my pillow and blanket and shoved into the hospital bad we packed two weeks ago.
        I waddled downstairs because walking is nonexistent for me. I sat down on the couch, "shoot I should call Darry." I dragged myself to the phone once again but this time dialed their number.
       "Hello this Ponyboy Curtis speaking how may I help you?" Ponyboy asked.
        "Ponyboy tell Darry to go to the hospital in thirty minutes I'm having my babies and I know he's at work so let him know he can take his time okay?" I said trying not to sound rude.
         "Um alright I'll call him and tell him not rush." Ponyboy practically repeated.
          As pony rambled I heard a car pull and seen Dally running out of the car. Jesus bucks is a fourteen minute drive and I called four minutes ago. " I gotta go bye!" I said loudly.
       Then dally rushed over to the couch and picked up the bag then grabbed my hand and slowly walked me out the door since he knew I could go as fast as he was a couple of seconds ago.
        "Well here we go doll!" Dally said then drove off.

Author note: Okay I'm like really sorry for all of these time skips lately but if they weren't here the story would be so boring and would drag on with the most boring stuff forever and would take so long to get to this so I'm sorry. Also this story will be done pretty soon and I'm already making the next one so stay tuned I'm really excited for it. Okay I'm done rambling. stay gold💛

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