Chapter Seven: Regardless

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Two weeks later: (sorry for big time gap)
I woke up by myself tangled in my hair once again. Dally must've left during the night because we watched a scary movie last night and I got scared so he decided to spend the night. I walked into the bathroom and began to brush my teeth.
After I finished I felt a sudden ache in my stomach. I began to feel ill. I ran over to the toilet and began to puke. I figured I had the flu. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth again to get rid of the smell.
I then went to use the bathroom and it dawned on me. I was supposed to get my period three days ago. I shouldn't be this late. I can't be. Can I? What would I tell Dally and how would I even begin to explain this to Darry? Woah woah woah, I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even know if it's true.
I got dressed and decided to go to the doctor. It's the only clear way to tell if it's just the flu or if I'm watching for two. Better not be three. I couldn't have twins I can't even afford one baby or myself yet along twins. Okay now I'm getting ahead of myself.
I walked downstairs and dally was in the living room talking with Darry. "I know that you love her but come on Dal it's for her own good. If you loved her you would-" I cut Darry off and tried to figure out what they were saying.
"If he loved me what would he do Darry?" Darry's face went white and dally well you could tell he wanted to cry but he just couldn't.
"It's uh nothing but how long have you been standing there?" Darry questioned me.
"It depends." I said starting to get an attitude.
"Well, Dallas and I were just talking. And um well where are you off to?" Darry asked trying to change the subject.
"Well um..." I looked around and seen Dallas as pale as a ghost I figured I may as well bring him along. I mean he might be a father. "Uh Dally is taking me to the doctor. Right babe?" I asked giving him the look.
"Uh yea I guess." He got up from the couch and gave Darry a death glare then took my hand and walked out to the car. "Doll where are we going? Are we actually going to the doctor?" Dally questioned.
"Yea we're actually going to the doctor." I said.
"Are you feeling okay doll?" He asked them started driving.
"Dal you love me right?" His face was confused almost like that was the silliest question I could've asked. I mean it is.
"Of course I love you but how does this relate?" He questioned.
"You promise you'll stay with me forever right?" His face was becoming worried.
"I promise. But doll what's going on your scaring me." He sorta asked.
"I think I may be Uh um well pregnant." He slammed on the brakes and then started to pull over. "Dal you said you wouldn't leave so don't stay with me and come see if it's true." I started to tear up. "Please."
"Hey look baby don't cry. I'm not gonna leave you man I could never especially not now I mean it takes two to make a baby. But I'm just a little shocked. But don't worry we'll go find out and if you are I'll love this baby more than I love myself. You hear?" Dally just knows what to say.
"Thank you. Now hurry up my doctor appointment is in five minutes."
He started to drive again. It was quiet on the way there. But a good quiet. Dally was just gently rubbing my thigh right above my knee. And somehow it's like we didn't need to speak we both knew we were there and that the other loved us.
Dallys P.o.v:
Sadie looked beautiful. After she told me she may or may not be pregnant, I was a little scared but the more I look at her the more I want this baby. Darry would break me for sure but I could live with that pain as long as I have my beautiful girlfriend and my lovely baby with me. Before we left for the doctors Darry told me I wasn't a good influence and I need to stay away. But I can't I love her too much I think I may propose. I mean sure she's only sixteen but I can wait so what we'll be engaged for a couple of years but it'll be worth it.
Sadie's p.o.v:
We pulled into the hospital parking lot and dally parked the car. "Are you ready doll?" He asked with a bit of excitement. Hold up is he truly excited for this baby.
"For sure!" I said with the biggest smile. Seeing dally happy about this just makes me even more excited.
We walked up to the lady at the front desk and signed in she told us to sit down while we wait for the doctor. It wasn't too long before the doctor came out and called my name.
We headed into this tiny room with a doctor's bed thingy, two chairs, a bunch of cabinets, and some screen thing. The doctor told me to sit down on the bed thing. I sat on the chair and the doctor explained that she is going to do some blood work to see if I'm pregnant. Dally stood beside me knowing that I hate needles and held my hand. The lady took my blood then left the room.
"You're doing so good baby girl I know you're not a fan of needles." He said trying to cheer me up.
"Thanks dal. And I never thought I would say this at sixteen but I really hope I'm pregnant." Dally smiled.
"You know what doll so do I. I mean I'm seventeen but still so do I." We both smiled and then the doctor walked in.
"I have your results. And congratulations you are pregnant!" The lady said.
Dally instantly hugged me and I could feel his smile on my neck.
"You will have a monthly appointment to check up unless you feel any complications or have any worries then you may always stop by." The doctor explained.
"Thank you we will hopefully see you only a month from now." The doctor and I laughed.
Dally and I walked out and headed to the car. As soon as we got in dally kissed me passionately. "I love you so much doll and I promise you I'll love our baby too!" He kissed me again.
"I'm really excited Dally but I'm what are we gonna tell the gang well uh Darry. I know he doesn't want us together." I said.
"You heard that?" I nodded and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Well doll please don't cry Darry can't separate us. If we need to you can live with me until we can afford a house." Dally said.
"Okay But Dal a baby in a bar not the best situation. So I guess I can pull out my backup money for house so we can live together with the baby regardless of what Darry has to say." I told him.
"So you mean if Darry is okay with this we'll still move in together?" He asked.
"Yes I mean we can wait to move in together till like the sixth month then we can buy a house and get it ready. And until then we can both try to work to save up more money." Dally nodded and then we headed home. I wonder what Darry is gonna say.

A/u note: sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been on vacation and I've been having serious writers block ever since. So I hope you guys enjoy this. And I just wanna day thank you for everyone ready this and thanks to whoever voted for my story I really appreciate it☺️

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