Chapter Nine: Dinner Party

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   As Darry prepared dinner for the "dinner party" I walked around the table setting down setting out right placemats. I set up each spot so everyone could sit down and not be all squished together. I started to grab out some coke from the fridge and placed them by each person's plate.
      Darry began to place the food down on everyone's plate while they walked in. Pony and Johnny were already there but they sat quiet in the living room. I called them in. Then I heard Steve and Soda rage in they instantly sat down and we're bursting out laughing. Only God knows what those two could possibly laugh at. I was starting to get my plate ready when I felt arms snake around my waist. I punched the person only to find out it was Dally.
        "Sorry baby I got scared." I gave him the puppy dog eyes while he gently rubbed his cheek.
       "Don't worry about it doll. Now let's go eat my princess." He whispered then took my plate and sat it down where there were two open seats. He dragged my hand and sat me down in a chair then went to go grab a plate filled with food.
      Steve was still dying of laughter but it grew after I punched dally, "what are you two mouth-breathers yapping about?" Steve looked offended.
       "You calling me a waste of space Sadie?" He joked. "I would fight ya but Dally had to get you pregnant." He began to laugh more.
         "You wouldn't even be able to win with her mad punching skills." Dally scoffed. Steve started to sit up from the table but then Darry walked in.
         "You're lucky you idiot." Steve said trying to sound intimidating. 
          "Ooo I'm so scared I might not be able to get myself to fall asleep tonight and it's all your fault." Dally said in a mocking tone.
       Darry stood standing in the door frame for a couple seconds before entering. Odd. He then walked to the counter and served himself and then made his way over to the table filled with talking gang members. "Hey guys I have some news." Darry said.
        "You didn't anyone pregnant like Dally over here did ya?" Two-But asked. Dally then hit right upside the head. "Hey man what was that for?" Two said rubbing his head.
         "You guys can stop making comments about me 'knocking' Sadie up." He sighed.
         "No I didn't get anyone pregnant. I'm not stupid-" Before Darry could finish Dally cut him off.
         "ENOUGH! Sadie and I've had it. We're done with these childish jokes about us being immature. Sure this baby was unplanned but it is the best that is going on for us right. Well besides us." Dally winked and said the last part in an attractive tone but the rest was very stern.
        "Hey chill out I'll stop. But the news is that I got a promotion and I can afford to feed you idiots!" Darry cheered. And everyone began to join him in cheering.
        "Congrats Darry we knew you would get that promotion!" Soda exclaimed.
        "Thanks Sodapop." It was quiet for a while before two-but began to talk.
       "So I Uh started dating this girl last week." He said a bit nervous. I wonder why?
      "What's wrong Two you seem anxious?" I asked.
        "Well this isn't just some girl off the street you guys all know her." He said quietly.
        "Well come one man tell us who she Is." Dally said resting his hand on my thigh. He gently rubbed it.
        "That's the problem I don't know if I can, I don't want to be hated." Two looked down at his shaking feet.
         "Oh come on we could never hate you." Johnny finally said something which seemed to give Two-Bjt confidence.
         "It's uh Sylvia." Two-but looked up and seen an angry dally.
         "Hey man I don't care if you date my ex's I'm happy with my girl but Sylvia is gonna wrap you around her little finger and rip your heart out. All she wants is to get closer to me that's how it'll always be man! Come on" I grabbed dallys hand and stroked my thumb against his hand.
         "Dal please calm down." I gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please." I whispered. He listened you could tell I felt him become way more relaxed. He gave me a small kiss on the cheek.
       "Hey two I'm not mad I just am trying to warn you. I wish someone warned me before I entered that 'relationship'" He said making air quotes around the word relationship.
        We were all quiet once again but this was the awkward silence nobody wanted. It seemed like everyone had something to say but couldn't find the words that would make the person happy.
        "Hey uh are we sharing stuff is that what this meal is?" Ponyboy asked while everyone nodded and Darry said "apparently"
         "Good so this should be the time to tell you guys I'm failing science." Ponyboy sounded confident yet sad while talking.
         "What how did this happen?" Darry asked getting mad.
         "Well I skipped science everyday last week because some Socs were getting extra rude only in science. Sorry Dar." Ponyboy said and you could tell he wasn't lying but that didn't mean anything to Darry.
         "Of course you have to go fail science why didn't you tell anybody you were getting bullied or whatever you say was happening!" Darry yelled.
        "Hey at least I didn't get anyone pregnant!" Ponyboy yelled back.
         "Don't drag your sister in this! Sure she messed up and she continued to do so but-" dally cut off Darry.
         "Hey man you don't say that she's messing up she is a perfect human being, unlike you!" Dally yelled even louder then when he was talking to Two.
         "Do you think I'm some mistake Darry! Because I'll ever done was help you out. So I guess me moving out in five months will also benefit you huh?" I asked with a lot of attitude.
        "That's not what I mean Sadie-" I cut him off once again.
         "Then what does it mean? Care to explain yourself?" There was silence after I talked. "Well I guess you guys just don't appreciate me. You know I thought you loved me but I guess wrong." I kept trying to tell myself to not cry and I think dally being there was helping a lot more than my own self.
        "Well maybe your right Sadie do you think we ever truly loved you? I guess not! All you do is cause proble-" Dally cit Darry off.
         "Hey man if you ever and I mean ever talk about my girl like that again I'll end you. I don't care if I go to jail or not but you have no room to talk about her like that she has a much better past then you. Don't forget you used to tell me everything!" Dally yelled so loud that people in England most definitely heard him. Darry's face went white what was this guy hiding.
        "What do you mean his past is worse than mine?" I looked up dally and he grew a smirk across his face.
         "Well Darrel do you want me to tell her or shall you?" Dally questioned in a bit of an evil voice. To be honest I was intrigued.
        "Dar what are you hiding?" Pony asked Darry. Everyone was either really intrigued or as pale as a ghost.
        "So a couple years back Darry met a girl. Do you guys remember how that girl Lilly just disappeared. Well she didn't quite disappear randomly. Well you see she was pregnant with Darry's kid. I forgot to mention he was fourteen." Dally tried to continue but Darry picked up the rest.
       "Before you guys jump to conclusions no I didn't kill her. You freaks. She decided under my influence to move away. I figured I didn't want to be a part of it and so she moved with her uncle to Maine. I wrote her a letter a year later and it turns out she got a new boyfriend and was fine without me I knew it would happen I just wasn't ready." Darry sounded sad.
         "Well that's not too bad you guys set it up to make it sound like she was murdered." I started.
         "That's not all. After that I was so angry I robbed some houses and ended up in jail. That's when I called mom and told her that I just wanted to stay at Mikes all day." Darry said he wasn't affected.
         "So you're telling me have a child and your giving me guilt for getting pregnant! You were fourteen. I'm also seventeen. And I know I'm still a teen but at least I can drive my own baby to the doctor if needed. So right now Darrel I don't need your judgment!" I yelled,
          It was silent for a while and we all decided to just continue eating. Everyone for some reason was taking forever almost as they wanted me to sit in misery. "Well this is awkward isn't." Steve said quietly. Soda and Steve burst out in laughter.
          "What is it this time you two?" Darrel asked.
          "You guys. You guys are so alike to where you won't even admit and now your fighting on who's life seems to be worse. I don't know just kind of funny." Steve said while laughing.
          "Wait, I thought we were laughing at Two-bit." Soda said confused.
           "What's wrong with two-bit?" Steve asked even more confused.
           "Remember I flung food at him and he didn't even notice-" two bit stood up.
           "You did what!" Everyone burst out laughing as two-bit spun around in circles for the food. "Where is it?" He was looking frantically do the price of food that may or may not be on him.
          "It fell off of you a while ago." Soda said to Two so he would just sit down. Everyone was calm once again and the only noises you could hear were me and dally occasionally whispering. Which I don't think anyone could hear the actual words just us. Then the sound of people still eating.
          "How are you not finished Ponyboy?" I asked him.
         "Sorry I'm almost done!" He slightly raised his voice then started to shovel food into his mouth.
        "Sorry but you know Darry's stupid rule-" Dally cut me off.
         "You can't leave the table unless everyone is done." He scoffed. Dally eats here occasionally and gets very frustrated with this rule. One time he almost missed a fight.
          "Oh come on all you two is wanna go makeout!" Steve yelled.
         "They probably wanna do more than that Stevie." My face was getting red and I could definitely tell.
          Soda slapped Steve and Two in the arm, "you two are so gross that's my sister for crying out loud!"
          "Well look at her she got pregnant" Steve whispered thinking I couldn't hear him.
           "Is that all you guys can talk about anymore? I swear if I hear one more person say something bad about me being pregnant I will personally murder you." Everyone's eyes widened besides dallys.
           He then whispered in my ear, "You're hot when your fierce." He then moved his head and yelled at pony, "I swear to God Pony if you don't finish your food within the next five minutes I will finish it for you or kill you whichever comes first!" Pony hurried and shoved as much food in his mouth at once.
          "Done!" He quickly got up put his plate in the sink then ran upstairs.
           "God you didn't have to scare him that much." I said looking at Dally.
           "Hey Sadie do you mind running to the store to grab more cereal since you ate the last bowl." Darry said.
             " I don't have a car." I said.
             "Well I said run but you could take mine or have Dally take you." Darry said. I groaned and walked to grab his keys.
            "We'll be back losers." I said taking dallys hand and walking out the door.

This is the biggest chapter I've done totaling up to 2,031 words not including this little message. I'm sure you guys don't care but I just wanted to say that😂 sorry if I've been taking forever to post and all but it's hard to write when you can't think nor spell so. This will probably be done after 20 and I'll finish the "small wreck" one and I already have a plan for a third one so stay tuned. Sorry for such a long message😂

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