Chapter Thirteen: Packing

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        We continued to walk this time down a more familiar road. "Dal?" I asked stopping.
         "Yea Doll?" He asked confused.
         "Can we wait to actually get married at 18?" I questioned.
         "Anything for you." He smiled and then took my hand and led me down the road.
        I was so happy for once. My life has been a mixture of me rebelling and being depressed. No one knows that I've been depressed these last few years besides Dally. He was the only one I could relate to but now that we're dating both of us are happier. And although it's been really hard lately I'm just glad that I can say I'm not going anywhere.
         I seen my house and I really tried to walk all the way there but five houses down my knees gave out. Dally rushes over and picked me up. "Jesus Christ man you scared me." He carried me in my house and everyone turned their heads. He placed me on the couch and everyone was staring at me like they wanted some answers.
         "Oh yeah Dally proposed!" I said excited. Darry, Pony, and Johnny weren't surprised since they already knew but apparently everyone else didn't.
         "Wait really oh my God Am I invited to the wedding?" Soda asked jokingly.
        "Well duh you're my annoying twin brother it wouldn't be my wedding without ya!" I patted him on the back and earned a chuckle from dally who came and sat next to me.
        "Rude." Soda got up and went into the kitchen.
       "Soda you know I was kidding! You're not actually invited to my wedding." By now Dally and I were dying of laughter and Two started to join.
      "You guys calookedn't encourage this!" Soda said.
      "Awe come here you can come to my wedding!" He came over to me and hugged me.
     "Treat her nice dal." Soda said then did that boy hug thing.
     "So when are y'all moving in with each other?" Steve asked.
       I looked at Steve then Darry, "Well we already found this place two houses down and we bought it." I said.
       "We're moving in uh in two weeks." Dally said sitting closer to me. Everyone nodded. "Guys we'll still be here all the time don't worry." Dally said trying to actually sound nice.
       "Okay, I know this is some deep brother sister moment but I'm hungry so like when food gonna be done?" Two bit asked.
       "Ooo are we having cake?" Steve asked.
       "We're having tacos you idiots!" Pony exclaimed. Then him and Johnny followed Darry into the kitchen and sat down.
       The next thing I see is Steve, soda, and Two racing towards the kitchen. "I call the other end chair!" Soda yelled.
        "I love you baby." Dally said.
        "I love you too!" We got up and began to hold hands and then walked into the kitchen sitting in two empty chairs side by side.

-Time skip to the next morning-
         Dally spent the night at my house last night. I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up and his strong arms were still around my waist. I didn't feel like moving at all that day but I had to start packing today. "Dally baby please wake up." I said loud enough to try and wake him up. He didn't move. "Ughhh" I pushed him off of me and he groaned as he started to fall off of the bed.
         "What was that for?" He asked.
         "I needed to get up and I already said your name." I said.
         "So that was your only other option Jesus." He got up and walked over to me. "You're so cute. Now why are you up so early?" He asked.
         "I'm gonna start to pack." I kissed him and he kissed me back. "God I missed you." I said in between kisses.
         "We were apart for like what ten minutes." He said.
         "No no when I was stabbed and wasn't awake I missed you all I wanted to do was be with you." We split apart.
        "I missed you too." He said then continued to kiss me. And soon that kiss turned into a makeout session.
         We've been missing for the past five minutes when pony opened the door, "oh Jesus I'm sorry I should've knocked." He started to walk out.
         "What do you need?" I said getting off of Dally.
         "I was gonna help you clean up and pack but by the looks of it more clothes will be on the floor soon." He said turning red.
         "And Darry said we had to watch we say." Dally joked.
         "I'll be in the living room call if you need help packing." Pony said walking out and closing the door.
         "Well can we start packing?" I asked.
         "Fine." He got up and grabbed two boxes. "Here's one for you. Now what goes in what box?" He asked.
Three hours later-
         Dally and I got most stuff packed but there was still things scattered throughout my room. During those three hours we mostly packed but we sorta stopped halfway through and started playing a board game which was buried in the back of my closet.
        We decided to head downstairs and relax for the rest of the day considering it was three and we knew that if we sat down now we won't get up.
        "Tomorrow we haven't to finish my packing then start yours." I said while Dally sighed.
         "I really only have clothes and a couple of items back at my place." He said grumpily.
         "Then let's just go now get it done and over with." Although we were tired me mostly since I haven't been able to sleep these past few days very well. But we decided it would be best to pack his few things and transfer it to our house while we still have the slightest of energy.

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