Chapter Eight: Reactions

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      We walked inside with worried expressions on our faces. I mean we were excited but how like the gang react? Well how would Darry react? I think someone will blow and it most definitely be Darry.
       "Hey guys we uh um need to talk." They all focused their attention on us. "We're going to move in with each other." I blurted out. That's not even what we're trying to tell them.
        "What Sadie was trying to say was well yes we are moving out but Sadie is um-" I cut dally off.
         "I'm pregnant. And I'm keeping and I don't care what any of you have to say especially you Darryl!" I ran up stairs.
          Dallys p.o.v-
          Sadie was telling the gang she was pregnant then she completely snapped. She yelled at Darry then ran upstairs.
         "Why does she think I'm going to be completely mad." Darry asked getting angered.
        I shrugged then followed to go upstairs but before I could get all the way up I was stopped. "Please I'm her twin can I just talk to her?" Soda practically begged me to see his sister.
         "Um yah sure man go ahead. She's a little touchy. Don't say anything about the baby she probably loves this child more than she does this universe and honestly so do I." I watched Soda go in her room then I walked outside to smoke.
        Everything was calm and peaceful until I was greeted by Darry. "So what do you think your going to do she's going to raise this baby and your just going to watch from afar?" Darry asked clearly mad.
        "No man I promised her and myself that I would be in that child's life. This child isn't even born yet and I already love it more then I love myself alright? Is that what you want to hear or shall I continue?" I was even angrier than Darry and he could clearly tell.
         "Hey now don't go trying to beat me up I'm just trying to protect her." Darry said.
         "But why can't you see that I can do a good enough job of protecting her myself. She's my life if I had to choose between me or her I would choose her. I love her man what don't you get?" I started inching closer to Darry.
         "Come on you know I trust you dal but when you get upset or angry you just don't think straight." He tried to explain.
        "I wasn't upset till you started talking. Now let me go see my girl." I walked past him making sure I would hit my shoulder into his body and when I did he stumbled back a bit.
        I walked into her room angry but as soon as I saw her face I felt calmness fill my body. "Don't worry baby girl Darry isn't too mad."
        Her and Soda we're still hugging and I felt my body get nervous. I don't know why Soda is making me nervous now he never has before. I could easily beat him in a fight. Wait what am I saying I could never fight Soda. I think maybe I'm getting tense because I've never felt sibling love and I never will. Well a physical sibling. I practically have six brothers in front of me every single day. And a wonderful girlfriend. And now a baby on the way. I couldn't have asked for better.
         Sodas p.o.v-
         I went up to see my twin sister and by the looks of it she was crying. "Come on you know we have that twin thing. If you cry I cry." I started to dramatically fake cry.
         "Cut it out soda. You know you always make me smile with that!" She exclaimed pretending to be mad. "It's just why can't Darry understand I'm happy with Dally? Earlier he was threatening him and I just don't understand. Dallys an amazing person." She started to cry more.
        "Oh come on Sade's you know Darry knows that. He and Dal are real close." I tried to explain.
        "I guess you're right." She wiped away her tears then started to hug me. I hugged back and rubbed her back to comfort her.
         A bit later dally walked in and started to say something about Darry. "Don't worry baby girl Darry isn't too mad." I continued to hug asadie while Dally stood there.
        Dally was standing there like some scarecrow. He started to look tense.  It looked as if his mind was wandering. "Hey dal why don't you come join Sadie could really use her boyfriend right now." Sadie started to nod then dally walked over and we had a small group hug.
        Sadie's p.o.v-
        Soda, Dally, and I were all hugging. I felt a lot of comfort from my two favorite people. Soda was rubbing my back but Dally took his place. "Hey you two I'm going to go and let you guys be alone." Soda said then walked out of the room.
        Dally and I continued to hug. And it lasted a long time. I buried my head deep into his shoulder. Another tear rolled down my head and hit his shoulder. Soon enough there was a puddle. "I'm sorry Dal you shirt is a little wet." I said lifting head up.
        "Doll don't worry about it." He looked me in the eyes, "you know Darry isn't really mad right?" Dally asked.
        "Wait actually! You mean he is supporting us?" I asked.
        "Yah I mean he knows it was an accident and he knows we're both really happy. He's here do you." Dally explained.
       "No Dal he's here for us." I leaned in closer to dally's face pushing my lips onto his. He kissed me back and my heart began to melt. The kiss deepened by the second and soon enough it was a makeout session. And then our makeout session turned to well if you know you know.
       Afterwards Dally and I got up and he threw me his shirt. "Don't you need a shirt?" I said as I started to put it on anyway.
       "I have extras here just in case. Plus my shirt looks much hotter on you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.
       "Dal we need to get up." I whined and tried to force myself out of his grip.
       "Fine." He got out of bed and threw on pants and searched for his extra clothes. I didn't really need pants this shirt was long enough.
      After we both got dressed we headed downstairs and seen Darry preparing dinner. "Hey Darry may I help?"
      "Sure you can Sadie." Darry said enthusiastically. "Can you get me out the big pot please I'm making spaghetti for the gang." He said while getting out sauce.
      "Oh yea. It's been awhile since we had the whole gang over for dinner." I said.
      "Well I figured we could celebrate you and dallys kid and then my job promotion." Darry said looking down at me since I was so tiny.
      "Congrats Darry! Why didn't you tell everyone earlier?" I said giving him a small hug.
      "Because I wanted to wait till dinner." 

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