Chapter Ten: John Williams

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       As we were driving to the step we something different. Something never really seen before. There was a group of Socs fighting another group of Socs. Sure greasers fought other greaser gangs but Socs were always this one big group who appeared perfect.
        "Dal, the Socs are beating up Socs." I said a little frightened the one group seemed angry, angrier than Dallas has gotten at Darry that last few weeks.
          "Eh it's probably nothing." He shrugged it off while I continued to watch. I asked him to pull over and of course we did but far enough so no one would see us. All of the sudden I seen who appeared to be the ring leader reach into his jacket and pull something out.
         "DALLAS! It's a heater! He's gonna shoot!" I said yelling.
         "Your not going out there I know we should help them but I'm not trying to have you lose the baby or die. Okay?" Dally said he embraced me in hug and although the sound of everything around me went on I could still hear the gunshot. Dally pulled away from the hug. "There gone lets go grab the guy okay?"
          We ran over to the guy and Dally picked him up and carried him to the car. I sat in the backseat with him and applied pressure to his shoulder where the gun shot was. The guy was out cold they must've beat him real hard before shooting.
          We got to the hospital dally ran the guy in and I followed closely behind. Once the guy headed off to the room I asked Dally if we could stay to see if he wakes up. He clearly said yes. So I decided it would be best to call Darry.
         "Hello this is the Curtis household you are speaking with Darry." I heard Darry's voice say.
         "Hello this is Sadie, Dally and I are at the hospital-" before I could finish Darry cut me off.
          "Is everything okay?" He sounded a bit worried.
          "We're fine but on the way to the store we watched these socs violently beat these other socs so I stayed and watched then the guy pulled a heater and shot the guy were with. We just want to make sure he wakes up." I said replying to Darry.
           "Oh alright we'll stay safe." Darry said still  sounding worried.
           I walked back over to Dally. "God This is all my fault I could've prevented that." I said.
          "Doll don't say that if you would've went over there you could hurt yourself and the baby this isn't our fault." He reassured me.
           We sat there holding hands in silence just staring at the wall. We didn't know what to say at all. Nothing seemed right.
          "Is there anyone here for the patient in room 201?" The nurse questioned.
           Dally and I sat up. "Yes we are the ones who brought him here we just want to see how he's doing." The nurse led us to the room where we seen the little body struggling.
           The nurse left us alone to talk to him. "Um hi you don't know us but I'm Sadie and that's dally we seen you get shot and we brought you here." I told him in pain.
          "I'm uh John, John Williams." He smiled lightly. All of the sudden his eyes went wide and he started to freak out. Dally and I turned around slowly. We  couldn't quite put our finger on who it was but they seemed familiar.
          "Why are you He-here Michael?" John asked the kid supposedly named Michael.
         "Well since the prince and princess over here wouldn't let you be I'm here to finish my work but this time with extra victims." He glares us in the eyes. "Nobody move or I'll make the pain worse."
          I started to freak out. As Michael turned around Dally pushed me out of the door so I could make a run for it. Dally quickly follows behind me. We ran faster then we ever have before. Man we should've never got involved. We ran father and father until we reached the main door. We went through the door and took a turn to the left. Only to see Michael standing with a knife.
         Dally pushed himself in front of me but that didn't stop Michael from pushing dally to the ground and knocking him out. "You think you can save that idiot. He slept with my girlfriend he deserves to die." His eyes wandered off for a second, "and now you can join him."
          He got closer and closer to me and soon enough I felt a knife stab me right in the lower stomach. I screamed out in pain and soon we heard sirens. Probably not for us but Michael still ran.
          I seen a body over mine it kind of looked like Dally. I felt my body get lifted up and I started to get dizzy. My eyes started to close and open  and then everything went black.

A/n: sorry for the really short chapter💕

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