Chapter Four: What I Want

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Two hours later
I was now laying in my bed. It's been two hours since he told me he liked me. It was currently 2 a.m and I still hadn't been able to sleep. Dal asked if I would go to the dingo with him and obviously I said yes.
I was laying there just trying to think of what I could wear.
Should I wear a dress? No! Should I wear leggings and sweater and be more casual? Ugh no you idiot! How about jeans? Maybe. Okay we're getting somewhere. Long sleeve or short sleeve? Well I have this really cute cropped short sleeve shirt. It's yellow and looks amazing on. It had two white stripes on it and was cropped just above the belly button. Perfect. Now which jeans? Hmmmm. What about the ones that have rips all over my knees? Perfect! And then I'll throw on my white high top converse and call it a day!
I looked over at my clock and read 3 a.m oops I guess I should go to sleep. I tried getting in a more comfortable position and closing my eyes. After about twenty minutes of just my eyes closed I said screw it and went down to my kitchen.
I opened the cabinets to look for food. I pulled out a bowl, a spoon, some milk, and last but not least cereal. I poured in my Cheerios and went to sit on the couch.
Mickey was on! My favorite! I sat there and enjoyed my cereal like nobody's business. After I was done I put my bowl and the sink and went upstairs I was finally getting tired. Good since it was 3:53 almost 4.
I laid down and started to close my eyes. The next thing I knew I was waking up to the sound of my annoying alarm at 9 a.m. Great I love five hours of sleep.
I got up and went into the shower. I let the cold water hit my body as I stared at the wall for ten minutes. Once I snapped out of my gaze I started my normal shower routine.
I got out of the shower got dressed and put my hair up in my towel. I walked out of the bathroom to grab my makeup and headed back. I decided to just give it a little above average makeup look. By that I mean I put on more foundation and concealer, lipstick, and of course mascara. Nothing to extravagant.
I took my hair out of the towel and blow dried it. My hair is always very thick and wavy so I tend to straighten it. So that's what I did. I straightened it then put in two little braids connecting in the back.
I finally finished! I wasn't meeting dally till noon and it was only 10:30. I wasn't gonna leave till 11:45 since we don't live too far from The Dingo.
I guess I drifted off cause when I heard my alarm at 11:40 I jumped and realized I was sleeping. I got up went to the bathroom. Then I put on my shoes grabbed a coat and wrote a note telling Darry or whoever's here where I will be if needed.
I started walking out looking at my watch which said 11:46 perfect. I'll get there early but bet sooner than never am I right? I take sort of a scenic route by the stream since I have time to kill. I see the dingo so I head in that direction and go into the diner.
As soon as I entered I could feel the complete temperature change. It was completely freezing here man.
I decided maybe I'd just sit in the back and it would be less crowded. And I was right there was only one older man sitting at the end of the bar. I took the last booth closest to the bathroom. And sat there for two more minutes.
In two minutes Dallas Winston arrived. I sat there trying to not to be desperate and put my head down. I heard footsteps coming my way and I slightly looked up. "Hey doll I've missed you so much!" Dallas exclaimed sarcastically and sat down.
"Haha thanks I've missed you too." I joked back. He chuckled.
"You know I still got my bad boy reputation to keep up." I sighed I knew he was right. Sure Dally would act soft towards me sometimes before we started dating. But he would still be the bad boy I fell for. And I really don't want him to change. I mean a little nice here and there would be appreciated but not fully expected. I laughed to myself. "What's so funny doll."
"Oh it's nothing." He rolled his eyes. He then took my hand from across the table and held it for a minute until the waiter came.
"What the hell do you two want?" Oh no it was my ex Brandon. "Excuse me, I asked what do you guys want?"
Dallas obviously spoke up, "Excuse you ha! You know what I want you little shit?" Brandon tilted his head like he wanted to know so Dally continued, "I want you to not give me that attitude and leave my girl and I the hell alone!" Dally yanked my hand and dragged me out of the booth. I was now standing a booth away when Dallas walked back up and punched Brandon right in the nose. It was instantly bleeding. As soon as he finished and grabbed my hand once more and we walked out.
"Sorry doll that got me to heated!" He sighed of frustration then kicked a rock. Dally gets mad a lot and very fast. When he gets mad or upset he takes anger out by fights or pushing things or punching things. So I wasn't very scared when he started to kick the next tree in sight.
"It's okay Dal. Brandon is an idiot and he deserved getting a good punch to the nose." He chuckled a little bit then took my hand once more but this time he had a destination in mind and you could tell.
We strolled up to the drive in and snuck under the fence. He helped me and led me to a row of seats. "So what do you want from the convenient stand?" I asked as we sitting down.
"What I want isn't on the menu." He winked then chuckled. And I blushed like crazy. "Your cute when you blush like that." Oh no I think I'm blushing more than a human shall.
"I'm serious Dal." I started to laugh about it.
"And so was I." I sighed and blushed when he just winked. I gave him that look 'don't mess with me right now' he got the message and continued, "Okay fine how about a coke sweetheart?" He asked. I nodded and headed toward the convenience stand.
I got his coke and my popcorn without a hassle. I went back expecting Dal to be there but he wasn't. I looked in the rows around us cause maybe I forgot which one we were in. But he wasn't anywhere. I began to freak out and I was searching frantically. Then I felt arms wrap around my neck not tightly but like a hug. But it still freaked me out I kicked whoever it was in the shin. Then I heard a familiar tiny squeal.
"Come one Dallas that wasn't funny!" I grew frustrated. He could definitely tell. He looked me in the eyes.
"Maybe not to you." He said with a smirk then he walked away.
"We're not done here you really pissed me off!" He stopped in his tracks.
"Who said we were done sweetheart." He has that grin that devious grin. It makes me want to stop and let him win but it also makes me want to continue and beat him. "But what are you gonna do? You gonna beat me up?"
"No I wouldn't win. But you have no right to scare me like that!" He smirked.
"I can do whatever I want." He grinned once more then winked.
"Oh can you? Well guess what, so can I!" I took his coke then splashed a little on his face. He stared at me and wiped the couple drops off of his face.
"Oh doll you shouldn't have done that!" He took the coke and popcorn and placed them on a chair. The next thing I know I was over his shoulders and we were heading to his car.
"And where do you think your taking me?" He chuckled but wouldn't respond. At first I thought we were going to my house until he completely passed it. "I said where are we going."
"Trust me." That's all he said no place or anything.
Four minutes later we strolled up to Dallys place. Well bucks place but that's where Dally slept.
"And what do you think were doing here?"
"Well what do want to do?" He winked. Honestly I just wanted to make out but I didn't want it leading anywhere and with Dal it's mostly guaranteed it will. "I can tell you have something in mind."
"I don't wanna party Dal." I whined
"Okay then we'll go to my room." There he goes again with the wink and grin. Oh no here we go.

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