Chapter Twelve: Were Both Young

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        "Um hey Dally do you mind telling me where we're going?" I asked him looking around and not seeing anything familiar.
         "It's a surprise but don't worry, Darry knows we'll be late." He gave me a wink then took my hand and walked faster.
         We seemed to be walking for hours. I don't know if we actually were or if it's from me being stabbed. Probably the stabbed thing. It doesn't hurt to bad I think I'm just maybe out of shape as well.
        Dally noticed I was becoming out of breathe, "baby are you okay?" He asked stepping closer to me.
        "Yeah I guess I'm still trying to heal I mean I did just get stabbed like what yesterday?" I asked laughing.
          "Here." He stepped closer and then picked me up bridal style, "I'm not letting you walk anymore until we get to our destination. Alright?" I nodded and even though it was dark Dally could sense my nod.
             He began going up this hill. It wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. I'm glad I didn't have to walk up the thing. It didn't take Dally long to get to the top. Once he got to the top he walked over to a bench and sat down. He gently adjusted me so I had both of my legs on top of him while sitting in his lap.
            "So you know what tomorrow is right?" He asked me, I should know this I guess. I knew it wasn't our anniversary what could it be?
          "What's tomorrow?" I asked. He looked at me like I was joking.
          "Did you get some brain damage to?" He laughed. "Tomorrow's yours and your twins birthday. You turn seventeen. The same age as me." He winked.
         "Oh shoot that's right I've just been so busy I must've forgot." I said a little saddened that I didn't get Soda anything.
         "Hey doll?" He asked.
         "Yea babe?" I responded.
         "I know you're sixteen. And tomorrow you'll be seventeen and both of us are young but I love you," he placed me beside him, "I don't wanna spend my life with any other girls because honestly, none of them can compare your just so perfect." He started to move a bit, "and I don't just mean looks you're personality is what got me I mean don't get me wrong your looks are definitely an added plus but you're personality man it's impossible to beat. Everything about you is perfect." He got up and then got down onto one knee, "that's why I'm here even though we're both young and can wait if you want but I'm here asking if you want to marry me?" He finished.
         "Dal of course I'll marry you. We'll just have a longer engagement." I laughed then got down on the floor where he was still kneeling and began to kiss him.
          "When I seen you in that hospital room I knew I had to propose after seeing you almost die I just felt feelings I've never felt for any other girl like I knew you would stick with me forever. And I know this isn't some big romantic way you probably want but it's-" I cut him off.
         "It's us. We're not this big dramatic couple. We have everything we need right now and hopefully a baby at some point." I said with a slight smile. We began to kiss again. "I suppose we should head back before it gets any later." We both got up and locked hands then walked off.
         "Dal, how'd you get this ring if you were in the hospital the whole time?" I asked.
         "Well to be honest with you Doll I got it a while ago. I just didn't think I'd use it so soon but I had to tell Johnny and pony to run to bucks and grab it." He said sounding embarrassed.
       "Aww that's cute!" I said happy.
      "We've talked about you calling me cute doll." He said in a joking voice.
      "I know I know." I said with a smile.

Author note: okay I'm really sorry how short this chapter is man but it's also kind of a really cute moment so I didn't want to like over exaggerate the chapter with so much going on you know so like I hope you enjoyed and I'm really trying to write as much as possible which isn't so easy😂

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