Chapter two: Room 21

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       We got to the hospital and rushed Johnny inside. "Help! Help! We have a young man who fainted out of nowhere!" Darry screamed at the nurse walking by. She stopped and looked at him, "I'm sorry sir, I can't help you'll have to talk to the lady at the front desk." I hated this girl can't she see my poor little Johnny Cakes is barely breathing.
       Darry ran up to the front desk, "excuse me. My friend fainted and we really need some assistance. The nurse looked at us and instantly assigned someone to take us to a room.
       We were being rushed around and finally Johnny was put into a wheelchair so Darry didn't have to carry him anymore. We went all the way to the last room. The door read room 21. Johnny was put on the bed and was suddenly placed onto machines of all different sorts. All of us were asked to leave unless we were a guardian. Since Johnny didn't have reliable guardians they let Darry stay in the room. But everyone else had to leave.
        We were seated right outside the room. There were 5 chairs sporadically placed in front of the room. Great that means I have would probably have to stand. Ponyboy sat the closest to Johnny's room. He seemed the most freaked out. Dallas was not too far from Pony. It was weird to see him like this he looked actually worried for once. But he was also pretty chill hoping everything would turn out. Soda and Steve day right next to each other across from the room staring blankly at the wall in front of them. And Two-But sat closer to the other room but still by Johnny. I just sorta stood there. I was pacing back and forth and I guess the gang noticed that I was pretty freaked out.
      Dally called, "Hey Sadie why don't you come sit on my lap so you don't faint." I looked at him a little confused. "Come on you've done it before." He wasn't wrong. I walked over to him and sat on his left knee. That way I was a little closer to Johnny. Dally was shaking his knee so I was bouncing up and down.
       God he's so beautiful. Wait stop Sadie we've talked about this don't fall for your best friend. As I was thinking this I guess I drifted off to sleep while laying back so my head was on Dallys chest.
       There Dally stood in the pouring rain. He held both of my hands up and they were between both of our chests. He looked at me straight in the eyes and whispered, "Sadie I love you." I looked up at him shocked by his words and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me back and as the kiss got more intense I felt him fall. I looked behind Dally and seen Sylvia now holding a bloody knife. I looked at Dal and seen blood emerging from his back. "DALLAS NO!"
        I woke up shaking and Dallas looking down at me. "Babygirl what's wrong?" I said nothing and just tightly hugged him. He hugged back not so long after rubbing my back. "Sweetie what's the matter?"
       "I had a nightmare Dal." He looked saddened like that physically hurt him too. "Oh baby girl, what was this dream about?" I looked around the room to see everyone sleeping. Was now the right time to tell him?
         "Dal it was ab-" once again we were cut off but this time it was by Darry running and screaming, "Johnny's awake!" Everyone got up some a little sleepily cause they just woke up but some very energetic and rushed into the room. We seen our little Johnny laying there with a little grin. Dallas went up to him, "don't you ever pull a stunt like that again man." He said while messing up his hair. I went up to him beside Dally, "Were all glad your up Johnnycakes." I at least knew I was. Johnny deserves such a good life and he couldn't die at the age of sixteen. I just won't allow it.
       Johnny was aloud to go home after three more tests. We were all ecstatic. Darry told Dallas, Pony and I to go home and prepare dinner but Pony wouldn't come. I guess it's just Dallas and I.
        On the walk back to my house it was very silent. But it seemed like Dally had something to say. "What's up Dal you look... uh... different." He looked at me and I can see there was something he needed to say, "um man it's nothing. I'm just excited for Johnny to be home I guess." That wasn't what he needed to say I knew it but I'm not trying to anger him tonight.
       We walked inside and Dal went to the bathroom while I went to prepare dinner. I started taking out two boxes of noodles hoping I could make spaghetti. I looked for sauce and fortunately found two cans. I started to make dinner while Dal just sat on the counter.
       "Sadie?" Dallas questioned. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, "Yah Dal?" He seemed like he couldn't get his words out.
       "You know what never mind it's pointless." I just shrugged and continued to cook.
       Not so long after the gang came in and they all sat down. I was by Darry and Dally. We all at dinner but the whole time I felt like eyes were on me. I looked around the table to see everyone focused on their dinner but one person. I see Dallas staring at me. I felt many emotions coming. I was happy I've like Dal for a long time now but I just didn't know if that's how he was looking at me.
       I leaned over and whispered, "Meet me outside we have to talk." He nodded and I walked out. Not to long after he walked out as well.
      "Listen Dal I know you've been hiding something. What were you gonna tell me the time you brought me out here or when we were in the kitchen?" I questioned.
      "Well what were you gonna say in the hospital?" He fires back. "I asked you first Dal" he knew he couldn't win so he started to speak.
       "Listen Sadie I don't want to get into this right now. Maybe some other time. Okay?" I nodded it probably wasn't the best news or the timing just wasn't right so we just walked back inside.
        Not so much longer we finished dinner and Dal and I headed up to my room like we typically do. We typically play some board game or just talk for hours. Or both. Sometimes he would try to do my makeup. It was funny.
        I had my own room. Since I was the only girl.  Soda and pony had to share and Darry had his own since he was the oldest.
       Dally and I sat there and he got up and went to look at the games the games both him and I stole. What can I say neither of us could afford them. We did what we had to. He looked around until his fingers landed on the game of life. My favorite.
       Dally wasn't one to sit around with people and play games. Unless it was me. He would do things he wouldn't do for anyone else for me. He would make me soup when I was sick and stay with me all day. He would tell me everything I wanted to know about him. He even let me do his makeup once but we don't talk about that.
        Things were so perfect. I loved sitting on the floor playing games with my best friend. Then I heard this snap. "Uh Sadie, you gonna spin man?" I guess I was daydreaming again.
        "Yeah. Look I got a ten that means I'm off and out of college sucker!" He chuckled, "Well jokes on you Sade's I already got a job. Did ya really think I was going to college man?" And that's how that night went just him and I playing Life.

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