Chapter Fourteen: Normal Dinner

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Two week time skip-
       Dally and I have been packing and unpacking these past two weeks. It's crazy to think that today is the day we will be moving into our new house. It's a small house two houses away from where I lived before so we won't be too far from my brothers. It has a tan/yellow color for the exterior. The house has three bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. It has a decent sized kitchen along with a decent size living room. There are two floors the bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. And the rest is downstairs. We don't have a dining room but that's fine.
         Dally and I get the biggest room and when we have kids we'll decide which room they'll eventually get.
        Yesterday we unpacked the last boxes which consisted of clothes and a few household items. Darry helped us shop for a couch and a small table for the kitchen. He also picked out some household necessities like utensils, towels, and like soap.
        But today is finally the day we can move in. Dally and I got up at ten and got dressed in the outfits we left here. "You ready babe?" He asked me.
        "I am! It's so crazy to think that I was just in school and now I dropped out and I'm living with my fiancé!" I said. That's right I forgot to say that I dropped out last week. I haven't been attending school as it is and now I just decided it wasn't working out and I wasn't really learning from it anyways.
         We said bye to Darry and told them we would meet them at the Dingo at 6 but now we have our own house to ourselves with no distractions. Darry doesn't seem the happiest that we're moving in together especially at seventeen but he still supports us because he knows I'd do it one way or another.
     We walked down to our new house which was barely even a walk and dally put the key in the door and we stepped in.
       "Ah home sweet home!" I said heading to the couch. "Isn't this crazy this is our couch in our house!" I said squealing.
        "Yes it is you dork." He said sitting next to me.
         "Rude." I said to his comment.
         "Well you're my dork and I love you!" He said all cute and sweet.
         "You're just one huge softy aren't ya?" I said kissing his cheek.
          He then grabbed my chin and turned my face so we were facing each other. Are lips then brushed against each other. We sat there for a minute before we began to makeout.
          I stopped the makeout session and said, "you know the doctor said we had to wait two weeks before we could try again for another baby. Well it's been two weeks!" We then went upstairs and let's just say we were occupied for awhile.
       After that we fell asleep and in each other's arms. When we woke up it was five thirty. "Crap!" I yelled.
       "What is it?" Dally asked waking up.
       "I need to get ready for dinner at six it's 5:30!" I yelled while rushing to put some pants and a shirt on. I then brushed my hair and put on makeup. I finished with like a minute to spare.
        We walked out the door and got into dally's car that he stole. I put my shoes on in the car and we drove towards the dingo not even checking to see if everyone else left yet.
        Dally and I held hands all the way to the dingo while he still held the steering wheel with one hand and nearly almost killed us one time. We got to the dingo and Dal put the car into park and we both got out of the car. The time said it was 5:58. I guess we still had time so we went inside and searched for them and they weren't there so we took the biggest table and sat down.
       Four minutes later they arrived all of them trying to come in at once. "Hey guys!" Steve sort of yelled.
       "What's up Steve!" I laughed. Everyone gathered and sat down at the table.
       "So how's married life going?" Two-big joked.
       "Haha very funny but not yet. But us living together is going great." Dally winked at me.
       "What'd you two do today?" Darry asked. Dally and I both kind of froze we didn't really want to respond to that truthfully.
       "Not much." I said sounding chill and sitting back in my chair.
        Not much after that a waitress came up and took everyone's orders she also tried to pick up something herself. My fiancé. Let's just say she's gonna wake up tomorrow with a black eye.
        We all had normal talk. Everyone was kind of talking at once but all on different subjects. Steve and Soda were talking about cars. Darry was talking about the paper. Johnny and pony were discussing gone with the wind. Two-but was kind of listening to Darry but not really. And dally and I were just talking.
        Later, the waitress came back with our food and didn't really say much I must've frighted her or something because she barely came near me nor dally. Which is good she can keep her filthy hands off of my man.
       We all sat there eating the food. Well not Steve he was inhaling his. Nobody was really talking there was still some occasional talk throughout our meals. We did talk about me dropping out and just about school in general. Kind of boring. And that was the first normal dinner we've had in a long time and man did I need it.

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