Chapter 2

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Wordcount: 2661


It had been a month since the Battle of Hogwarts took place, and Harry had settled into a steady and quiet routine while living in the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley had offered him Percy's old room and shortly after the Battle, he had moved all his possessions to the small studio that was the room. Granted, he didn't have that many possessions to begin with, but the thought was still there. He would spend most of his days playing two-on-two Quidditch with Ron, Ginny, and Charlie. The latter had come back from Romania for a while to accompany the family in what was surely the hardest time of their lives. If Harry wasn't playing Quidditch, he could be found walking along the plains of Ottery St. Catchpole, usually in the company of a certain redheaded young witch. His relationship with this particular witch had started again the day of the Battle and had only improved. They could spend days on end talking and laying on the grass in th-


His thoughts were interrupted when Ginny, the aforementioned witch, burst into his room and jumped onto him, jerking him awake.

"Good morning, Harry!" Ginny exclaimed with a bright smile and a peck on Harry's lips.

"Mhfm – Okay, I'm up," Harry slurred groggily, squinting in the direction of a blur of red hair. He reached around her for his glasses and put them on.

"Ah, much better. Morning, Ginny," he said, surer of himself this time, and leaned in to kiss his girlfriend. "What was that about anyway? I was dreaming of this gorgeous redhead and you woke me up," he pouted and lay back on his pillow.

"I wanted to have breakfast with you, for one." She laughed and lay next to him. "Plus, we said we'd go to Diagon Alley today and walk around," she concluded as she threw his covers aside. Groaning, Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes, taking in the scene in front of him. Ginny was standing by his bed, wearing an old Harpies shirt over black sleeping shorts. She is breathtaking, he thought as he smirked and stretched the grogginess out of him.

"And what are you smiling at, Mr. Potter?" she inquired with an amused smile and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing much," he said airily, "just thinking about how much more beautiful you seem to get every day." He flashed a smile as he threw on a black polo shirt over his bare chest. Where did that even come from? he thought, trying to remember the last time he'd ever sounded smooth in conversation. As he emerged from under the shirt, he saw her blushing and looking directly at him with a bemused expression.

"Aren't you a flirt, Mr. Potter," she exclaimed, playing with the hem of her shirt as she waited for him to get dressed. When he was done, they walked down the stairs hand in hand. As they sat down on the kitchen table, Mrs. Weasley was one step ahead of them and levitated two plates of eggs and bacon in front of them.

"Thanks, Mum!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley"

"You're welcome, dears," Mrs. Weasley said over her shoulder as she prepared breakfast for the rest of the family. "So, what plans did you have for the day?" she asked as the young couple dug into their eggs.

"Well, we were going to take a stroll up Diagon Alley. I haven't really seen it since the Dark Times," Harry said, shuddering at the thought. "Plus, I wanted to check if they've reopened some of the stores that were boarded up," he added as an afterthought.

"That's wonderful, dear," Mrs. Weasley exclaimed happily. "Will you be coming for lunch?"

"No Mum, we were thinking of having lunch at the Leaky Cauldron," Ginny said through mouthfuls of bacon. Harry smiled at that. She was every bit Ron's little sister.

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