Chapter 15

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Wordcount: 3438


The Weasleys were helping their mother clean up after Harry and Ginny had gone for a walk the night of her birthday. Hermione was just about to put the last plate back in the cupboard when a loud scream startled her, and the plate smashed onto the ground into a million pieces.

"Crap," she muttered to herself, as she pulled out her wand and pointed at the broken plate, "Reparo," she said, and then placed it on the table. The scream had come from outside and fear flashed through her. What had happened now?

The rest of the family seemed to be thinking along the same lines because in seconds everyone was outside peering into the dark, looking for signs of trouble. They were surprised, however, when they saw Ginny running at full speed in their direction, a huge smile splitting her face. They also saw Harry a few paces behind her, struggling to catch up. He looked happy too, though winded. Finally, Ginny launched herself at Hermione, who almost lost her footing.

Harry was looking at the exchange with a bemused smile. After he had proposed, they had talked for a few minutes before Ginny broke into a sprint to tell her family. He noticed the confused looks on the rest of the Weasleys as Hermione struggled to get Ginny off of her.

"What's gotten into you, Ginny?" she said, keeping the redhead at arm's length.

Seeing as she couldn't seem to get out any words, she lifted her left arm and showed them her outstretched fingers. Right there, a beautiful gold ring shimmered in the light. A big emerald with two rubies adorned the otherwise simple ring. Tears started flowing from Ginny's and Mrs. Weasley's eyes as they wrapped each other in a bone-crushing hug. No one knew who was hanging on the tightest.

Meanwhile, the male Weasleys, Hermione, and Mary stood forward to hug Harry, congratulating him. He thought he must look ridiculous, grinning like a madman, but right now he didn't really care. Ginny had said yes. They were getting married. Harry thought he might burst from excitement at any moment. Mary could sense that, so she approached him slowly and wrapped her small arms around him. He kneeled to be eye to eye with her.

"Congratulations, Harry," she whispered. Harry just nodded and hugged her tighter, tears threatening to stream again from his eyes. He found his voice moments later.

"Thanks, little one," he said simply. After their hug broke out, Mrs. Weasley trapped Harry in an embrace, which he gladly returned.

"Oh, I'm so proud for you, dear," she told him, "My baby girl is so lucky to have found you, Harry," she added. Harry laughed and looked at her.

"I think I'm the lucky one here, Mrs. Weasley," he replied grinning. Mrs. Weasley shook her head and pointed a finger at him.

"No more of that Mrs. Weasley nonsense now, dear. You'll be our son-in-law soon enough, now it's Molly or Mum, understood?" she admonished. Harry nodded and said,

"Of course, Molly."

"This deserves a great celebration!" exclaimed Charlie, taking out a bottle of firewhisky and slamming it on the table. As they walked inside, Bill produced a number of glasses and the two brothers set out to fill all of them, handing everyone a glass. Mary was left out, of course, so they gave her a glass of butterbeer. Once everyone was settled in, Ginny curled up on Harry's lap, Bill raised his glass.

"To Harry and Ginny!" he exclaimed, taking a big swig. Everyone said and did likewise, and Harry felt the sting of the alcohol burning his throat as it went down. Scrunching up his nose, he shook his head and placed the glass on the coffee table.

"I think I prefer butterbeer to be honest," he said, which ensued many laughs from the older Weasleys, and a sympathetic smile from Ginny.

Two hours later, Harry and Ginny lay in bed together, while she examined every inch of her engagement ring.

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