Chapter 20

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Wordcount: 4132


While Harry and Ginny started their lives as responsible adults, Mary Windsor began to adjust herself to the swing of school once more. After having one of the best summers of her life, considering the circumstances, she was not exactly looking forward to being a whole year without living with her guardians.

Mary marvelled at how important Harry and Ginny had become to her in the past year. She thought about her guardian and his selflessness. He had lost just as much as her, if not more, and he still found it in himself to aid a small girl in need. Mary, of course, was ever grateful.

As the student body piled into the Great Hall for the Starting Feast, Mary found her way to the Ravenclaw table with her friends. She saw McGonagall gesture to Professor Sprout, and the stout witch herded a group of small first years to the base of the dais. She placed the worn-down Sorting Hat on a three-legged stool and the hat broke into song.

Last year's song had essentially congratulated Hogwarts and its students in fending off the forces of evil in the final Battle. During the summer, Harry had informed her that the hat spent the entirety of the school year composing a new song for the Starting Feast. This year, the Sorting Hat reminded them profusely of the importance of uniting as a whole and not let House boundaries create enmities among them. Mary thought that this was mostly for the Slytherins, but didn't comment on it.

She was absently making small talk with her friends when the Headmistress stood behind the podium at the front. She waited barely a minute before chatter broke down.

"Welcome, students, to a new school year," she began, "I trust you had a pleasant summer. A few announcements before you make your way to your dormitories. First, Professor O'Brian has accepted to take on the full job of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. As I have taken on the responsibility of Headmistress, Professor O'Brian will become the new Head of Gryffindor." She waited until the clapping subsided, "As for new appointments, I am happy to announce that we have found a suitable Transfiguration teacher, as I will no longer be a teacher from now on. Please welcome Professor Mallory," the entire Hall applauded a tall slim witch that sat between Professors Sprout and Babbling, waving and smiling at the students. McGonagall nodded and raised her hands once more.

"I also remind the first years that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to students without a teacher accompanying them. Older students might do well to remember that, as well," she added with a stern gaze towards the senior end of the Gryffindor table, "Well, I've taken enough of your time. Off to bed," she dismissed them.

Mary walked to the Ravenclaw tower with her dorm-mates and all five of them made their way to the second year girls' dormitory. Once inside, they all changed into their pyjamas and sat down on their four-poster beds. A tall brunette named Jenny spoke up first.

"It will be weird having DADA without Professor Potter this year, won't it?" Her roommates nodded in agreement.

"I know. He was the best, and he could always spare time for questions, no matter how silly they were," Juliet, a short, rather chubby girl replied.

"Plus, he is very cute," Annie, Mary's best friend confessed. The other girls just giggled and kept talking about their summers. At one point, Jenny looked over at Mary, who was drawing absently on a sketchbook Harry had gotten her for her birthday.

"What about you, Mary. You haven't spoken since the Feast," she said. Mary looked up from the drawing and shrugged.

"What would you like me to say, Jen?" she asked.

"Well, we've been talking about Harry Potter for the better part of half an hour and you, his legal ward, haven't said a word about it," Annie pointed out. This made Mary sigh.

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